Tuesday, October 22, 2019

I'm not sharing!

Someone in Indonesia hacked into my Netflix account during the night and changed the account email address and password. Good grief! I got online this morning with a Netflix chat agent. She changed my email for the account to a different one I use and then I reset with a new password. She also logged the account out of all devices. When I opened Netflix (I guess because I was already logged in) I could see the new email address the hacker had changed it to, but not the password. I tried a copy of the **** password, but of course that didn't work. I was concerned they could maybe get my credit card info off of there (I pay with gift card DD gives me, but still have my cc in there from when I did used to pay for it). It's also ***** and wasn't able to be copied, so I'm hoping the hacker couldn't get that info. I checked the card (it's a debit card with PayPal) and nothing has been charged to it. According to a USA Today article, Netflix "tokenizes" credit card info, so they can't steal that info. Makes you wonder how in the world they can even get into the account to change the login and password in the first place. Probably some data breach where they get a whole bunch of account logins and passwords. ANNOYING!!!!!

The good grapes were on sale at the town grocery store for $1.98/lb so I bought 2 bags, since we're going through them so quickly. We had another "non-dinner" last night. I think all the months of eating light dinners, we got used to and DH and I are ready to incorporate more of those back into our dinners. Plus, like DH said - it's cheaper, haha! I said yes, dinner fixings are where we spend a lot of our grocery dollars.

The guy that did our topsoil screening/placement wants to buy some of our leftovers, LOL. DH said yes, but not today. Not having them come in while it's raining and making a muddy mess. It's supposed to clear/warm up starting a little later today and the rest of this week. Now DH is stressing because he doesn't know how much to say price wise. I said just do a fair price, it's not that hard. Either he wants it or he doesn't. It's not like there is anywhere else to get topsoil in our county! LOL. Apparently they have come to an agreement for $500 for the 2 truck loads he needs. yay! I could tell it was killing DH to have to even discuss price (he'd rather just give it away then discuss money for it!) so he used me as his excuse, that his accountant wife needs to sell it, haha. Plus, they guy said it was for one of his customers (not his personal use) so of course he is making money off it, too.

DH has another small wood scrap burn pile just started burning in his fire pit area. We should be getting down the the last of it all.

I'm continuing with my MTurks quest for $100/week earnings. Sunday was $9 and yesterday was $19. Today is $7 so far, so I'm going to need some more this afternoon to make it to $20 for the day.


  1. That must be a problem with Netflix because my daughter had the same thing happen a few weeks ago. She thinks these hackers start with the small stuff in hopes they can obtain CC info or other passwords. Good deal on getting the topsoil sold, even if it meant using you as an excuse. Lol I'm not doing near as good as you with the M-Turks, but part of the problem is that I'm using my super slow PC since I seem to be having a security issue with my other one. Ugh.

    1. ya, I'm guessing I'm probably not the only one. I had a weird thing a few weeks ago where I got an email that said someone else attempted a log in, but nothing got changed and I thought maybe it was a spam email, trying to get me to click on the link.

  2. That exact thing happened to my Netflix account last year. I completely shut down that account and started a new one and only use gift cards to pay for it. Keep an eye on all of your other accounts now. At the same time, my amazon, Instagram and email accounts were hacked.

    1. You really got hacked all at once! That USA Today article said they aren't able to get the Netflix credit card #'s, that they are just using it for the account or to sell the account to someone else to use. Not sure how they think they'll get to keep it when hours later I recovered it, as I'm sure most people do.

  3. Glad you were able to get the account restored! Glad, too, that you got the extra top soil sold. :)

    1. Me too! and hopefully they won't change their mind before he comes over and gets the topsoil :)

  4. It's scary to think these hackers can get all your info isn't it. Last week I received an email from "yahoo administration" telling me that my account was going to be closed that evening unless I clicked on the link and I was NOT to change my passwords. That set me thinking immediately so I just forwarded the email to the abuse line at yahoo. And yet the temptation is to click on it just to see where it goes (or at least I'm tempted). Glad I didn't though!

    1. that sounds like the emails my mom kept getting that her AOL email was going to be closed. The weird part of all those emails was there was no link. They wanted a reply to the email but when she replied it came back as an undeliverable email address.

  5. I understand your hubs on the top soil, but if the guy was making money, absolutely you should get fair compensation. Malfeasant techies are ruining technology for all of us with their stealing-I'm sick of having to be such a watch dog all the time.

    1. By the time we had some manure added (the original topsoil was really sandy) and had it all screened, we paid quite a bit for it, so I'm not thinking we should just give it away for free (though we have given friends a couple of pick up loads) to someone making money off it. I'm so tired of being a watchdog too. Humans can be so low :(
