Saturday, October 12, 2019

Stomachs, grass, and vets

We tried to go watch a friends son play high school football last night but it was not meant to be. Right before we were going to leave DH got a bad stomach ache and diarrhea. I said we'd better just stay home, but he said let's go. Well, we were almost there and it hit him again.We turned about and he was trying to get back home as fast as he could. Luckily there is this small rest stop with one bathroom on the way back and he was able to stop there. We're guessing it was from the Arby's sandwiches we had earlier in the afternoon. He had 2 beef n cheddars, I had one, and we shared potato cakes. My stomach was fine, though. So, maybe we will try again next Friday night to watch him play. I think they only have one more home game left, but sounds like they will be in playoffs.

We are starting to see some blades of grass, but have decided to go ahead with the sod in a few area. Two areas are where the topsoil sloped down. Dh doesn't want the topsoil to just end up washing down before it can get solid with grass roots. The other is a small area right in front of our house. Supposedly the guy who is doing that and the sprinkler system is coming next week. Early this past week he acted like he was coming at the end of this week. But you know how that goes with contractors.

I was sound asleep and around 11:30 last night (Dh was still up) our dog that sleeps on the bed with us puked up a big pile of his food, that he had eaten like 7 hours earlier. It soaked the duvet cover and the comforter, so I had to pull them off and get in the washing machine. I ended up taking the queen sized comforter off one of the guest beds so we'd have something for more warmth while sleeping. He seems fine today, so not sure what caused that.

On our way home from getting groceries yesterday I noticed this brightly covered big van type vehicle parked at a house we drove by. It was a mobile vet. I looked it up online. It's a vet that started it about a year ago and it says he services out in our area (mostly dogs/cats). I think I'm going to try it out soon. Our dogs are due for a wellness/vaccines soon. He also does lab work, xrays, and even surgery out of that mobile van. The pictures of the inside of it are pretty neat. Quite the set up. I read a few reviews he has and one said his prices were reasonable. Even if it was a little more it would be worth it to me to have him come here. It's a pain taking 2 big dogs to the vet! I'm going to let our neighbors know about it, too. Sounds like something they might be interested in, with 4 dogs.

Well, I'm going to see if I can throw the ball to our dog over on the next vacant 2 acres next to us. It's a bit rough, but our younger dog is getting fat! Not enough activity, especially with us not letting them outside much and not being able to run around our property wherever they want, since we're trying to get a yard in.


  1. Hope your DH feels better, soon! And hope your dog is OK, too. The mobile vet van sounds like a great service. Hope you have a good weekend and have fun playing ball with the dogs. :)

    1. they are both feeling fine today, thank you :)

  2. Wishing your DH and your pup speedy recovery. The mobile vet sounds awesome. Once I had a flat tire and although I can change the tire on my smaller Nissan, I needed help. The VWPassat company car I used to drive had much larger and heavier tires. I looked local businesses online and came across this mobile tire repairman. He also had a van with all the necessities to take the tire out, repair it and install it right back. It did not cost much either. I think it was about USD 20-25.

  3. I think a mobile vet is a wonderful idea - just goes to show some people know how to "think outside the box" huh!

    1. I think it's great idea, too and part of the reason I'd like to try him out and give him my business.
