Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The sky is falling!

The sky is falling. The world is coming to and end. Why you may ask? Well, because someone across the way from us, up on a hill, has let a cell tower get installed. A 300' cell tower, no less. So, now that is within our view from just about anywhere on our property. Our neighbors can't really see it from the back of their house, because their yard is lower and they have more trees, but they can sure see it from front entrance to their property and from their other lot on the other side of them they also own. I was just over on the vacant lot next to us with the dogs and that lot it's really noticeable, as it sits up higher than our lot and less trees.

DH is having a total meltdown over it. We were out on our back patio just before noon yesterday and up on one of the hills across we see this huge huge crane and are wondering what in the heck! Didn't take long to realize they are putting up a cell tower. The guy who owns that property (and lives at the bottom) agreed to it. Rumor has it he's making $6,000 a month income from it. We're also told he's tired of his crappy neighbors over there, so he said screw 'em - I'm going to let this cell tower go up.

Is it an eyesore in our what was once a completely 100% natural view? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No.... It's 3/4 mile away, but being 300' tall (the one across from town is 100') it stands out, for sure. But, according to DH it's just "demolished" our view. (he's always got to be so dramatic. Drama Queen is his middle name, I think)

You can kind of see it, in about the center of this picture. (I didn't zoom in) Granted, a camera view isn't the same as the naked eye view. This is taken from our bonus room window. And it's not done completed yet, as I'm sure all the other companies also using it will add all their stuff to it.

Here is a more zoomed in picture, taken from the same window

DH just thinks this guy who let them put it up is a total selfish jerk. Just in it for money (which I'm sure that's 99.9% why he did it) and who cares what it does to the views of others or just the whole area's view in general. I'm sure we're not the only one's impacted by something this tall. There are quite a few homes down the river a little bit, on the other side. But, really it's no different from what you see just about anywhere you go out and about, in my opinion. Whether it's a cell tower or electrical. There is nothing anyone can do about it, anyway. And I'm sure after awhile, we'll hardly even notice this anymore. I don't spend all my time specifically looking up that way anyway. I'm usually looking down at the river, or straight out across from us (just more mountains like the above). DH will get over it..........eventually.........but for now this is what I get to listen to non stop. Yay. LOL.


  1. I’m with you. Not the end of the world. And I agree, you won’t even notice it after awhile. We have a big radio tower right across the road from us and I frankly never notice it except sometimes at night because it has a light on the top. They installed a new tower for my internet company down the road from me and I was thrilled-it hopefully will mean my internet is better this winter when it’s snowing.

    Hopefully your husband forgets about it soon!

    1. I hope he does too. He seems to thrive on finding stuff to be upset about, LOL.

  2. I'm sorry the view is ruined, but, that's the price we have to pay for being able to have cell phones and cable and such. They've got to put the towers somewhere! I'm sure people will not notice it, as much, after a little time.

    1. honestly, I don't really see it much different than seeing power lines. We have underground but there are lines across the road that we can see between the trees. He will survive it, LOL.

  3. you can tell him I am the gal who if I lived where it was apprpriate,would have some wind turbines on her property and he could come live next to me, lol.

  4. Oh DH! Haha. It doesn't look too bad BUT I can see what he means. $6,000 though a month, I can see what that guy means too!!!

    1. we have a bet going - with his newfound wealth the guy will move away from the crappy neighbors and just leave the rest of us to look at it, LOL.

    2. LOL! I always wonder can't they paint it green or something to make it blend in? But for $6,000 a month I wouldn't complain!

    3. I said the exact same thing yesterday - why can't they paint them green so they'd just blend in with the trees better. Our old town had a water tower that was painted to blend in with the trees and sky, it was awesome. I do think it's kinda crappy that someone gets to benefit financially at the expense of other. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

    4. Some areas have fake trees that are really towers, so it can be done. But I'm sure they cost more.

  5. I am pretty sure this is a first world problem. Your husband is no different than anyone else. When something new or different happens we focus on it, until it becomes our new normal and then we don't notice it anymore.

    1. yes, he totally admits he doesn't like change.

  6. I don't think it looks too bad, and as Anne says it's definitely a first world problem. My village is very pretty but in the 30 years I've lived here they have built more and more homes (as much as you can on the side of a mountain). It will never be massively built up because of said mountain but it bothered me to begin with - and then you get over it and used to it. After all, if they hadn't built I wouldn't be living here either would I!

    1. exactly! and it's not like it right across the river from us. it's 3/4 mile away

  7. Here's a little story for him. When power lines were first strung in Arizona near Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin, he was so upset by the disruption in the view, he wrote President Truman demanding the government bury them. Needless to say, it didn't happen. LOL.

    We have a few things in our view that we don't like, but we concentrate on the parts we do. I'm sure your DH won't notice it after a while. :)

    1. Well apparently, near where this tower is, is some land they were going to start logging again (very recently) and our neighbor went to the Forest Service and complained he didnt' want to look at clear cut as his view, so they aren't going to log there now.
