Friday, October 4, 2019


The trailer got sold yesterday. He accepted $500 below his asking (2 others had offered $1000 below). Sold in 2 days. The way DH acted you'd think it was the biggest ordeal ever, LOL. And I'm sure the one time, 10 years from now, he could use a dump trailer for something, I'll get the blame that he "had" to sell it. When we moved over here 3 years ago we bought a 53ft semi trailer to put all his shop stuff in. Then he was supposed to sell it right after we got it all unloaded. He ended up trading it straight across for this dump trailer.  In this state you have to have signing off on the title notarized. What a pain. So we had to go into our town/county office to have it notarized. The buyer doesn't have to be present, at least.

My company changed health insurance companies in August. Last weekend I realized I needed to get my mail order prescriptions transferred to the new insurance's plan/mail order rx service. That was about a 4 day job to get that taken care of. I called, gave them the info. They called the next day asking for my dr's name and ph#. I called the next day to check and she said the person you last talked to didn't get all the info. We need your dr's name and ph#. I said I gave that to him. Then she actually took the time to look at the notes and saw it was there. Anyway, the order finally shipped out yesterday....on the wagon train to get here in 7 days.

A couple weeks ago, on my book list post, an anonymous reader commented a trick to keep reading a library ebook after it's due back. I tried it, turned off the wi-fi to my ipad to try to  keep it from being returned, but bummer, it doesn't work for me. The title expired anyway and I'll have to request and wait again to finish it. Looks to be a couple months wait again :(. While I'm waiting I can get started on the Alex Cross series. The first 2 books are in my reading queue.

I feel like I'm in a waiting/holding pattern with several things at work. A payroll system issue, an email system issue, a tax related issue. Just waiting on others for answers before I can get these tasks completed.

Did I mention I signed up for Hulu Live? Since my mom doesn't have Comcast anymore, I can't use her log in to stream shows. I don't find their menu to be all that great to navigate, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I hate paying for this, but we do watch some tv on a regular basis and this is about the cheapest I can find, where we get what we want to watch. (I'd say it's because we like to watch Fox News, but you know, then I offend people, LOL.). I figure with what I've been able to now earn in MTurks, I can pay for it in about 3 days work, so I'm ok with adding it to my budget now.

I need to go check the mailbox and let the dogs go for the walk with me, but I've been waiting on a call all morning from our IT guy to help me with my email system issue. I know as soon as I decide to get up away from my desk, he will call.

I ordered a new hooded pullover sweatshirt for DH that came. Somehow I apparently ordered in in Medium. Not sure how I did that. It should be XL. I'll have to return it to Target next time I'm in the city (next weekend) and I just went ahead and ordered another one in the right size.

I just ordered a solar light to try to use on the flag pole, so DH doesn't have to keep taking down the flag every evening when it gets dark. The reviews on Amazon say it will shine up a 25' flag pole, so I hope it works. My luck it won't, but DH doesn't want to take the time to research for what to get and I guess he can't hook up the power that is out there yet, or something, I'm not sure.


  1. Your husband sounds like he has trouble parting with his belongings. Good thing that he sold the trailer though. I am glad your mom is happily settled and likes her new place.

    1. He definitely has trouble parting with just about anything! he's basically an organized hoarder :(

  2. Glad to read that the trailer got sold. Hope you are having a good day and the weekend will be good, too.

  3. Glad the trailer was sold. We are starting to downsize and are going to try and sell a few larger things. It might be and exercise in frustration though.

    1. Good luck! I don't find the larger/more expensive items as annoying to sell as the cheap stuff.

  4. Aw man I thought your mom was going to keep her Comcast! Funny, everyone tried to cut the cord from Cable, but now we all need to have some kind of streaming services, sometimes multiple and it costs the same as a cable package :/

    1. I just posted - she kept it! I wasn't sure if she was keeping or would have to change to something via her apartment/retirement place. Or if it would change her log in. It's all good now :)

    2. I have sold like $10,000 stuff in couple years leading up to and right after our move. It seems like they are easy or a in between!
