Sunday, October 27, 2019

Just weekend stuff

It's been a very relaxing weekend, so far. I can't say the same for my neighbors.Their son, DIL, 4 kids and 2 dogs are visiting. As I predicted, dog fights ensued. Their new problem dog and son's big dog ganged up on neighbors other male dog and they had to take him to the vet Friday. I cannot imagine how much they have spent in vet bills this month! Their son's dogs were the ones they took care of for 5 or 6 months and they got along fine with all the dogs (theirs and ours). It's this new dog they have causing all the fighting. We are getting really nervous that once our grass is in and their dogs can run over here that new dog will end up fighting with our dogs. Our dogs have gotten along fine with their dogs, but our dogs have not met this new dog yet, because they got him right as we asked them to stay off until the yard was done. I'm guessing this new dog is going to be a big problem and if it comes over here and fights with one of our dogs and injures them we are going to come unglued.

I worked half day on Friday and then went into the city to do some banking and since I was there I picked up a $65 grocery order at Walmart, then I headed back home. The weather was so nice. 65 degrees, sunny, and all the fall colors. I love love the larch trees in the fall.
DH texted me when I was almost home that our friend, who bought a place over here, was stopping by on his way to his place. Oh boy, LOL. I got home and he was already here, along with a friend with him. They didn't really stay too long. DH was giving the house tour when I got home and then they stayed maybe 30 more minutes. He had an appointment to visit a cabinet sales place. He a great guy, just one of those very loud people who has an opinion about everything, so I'm good with him small doses, LOL.

Yesterday we just totally relaxed and didn't do much at all. Watched it snow for a couple hours, but by later afternoon it had all melted. DH had done a bunch more landscaping work outside on Friday, so he needed to just rest his muscles yesterday (and probably today, too).

After I'm done with this blog post I'm going to figure out how to do an update on DH's drone. Ugh. It's so hard to figure out, even though every time I try to make notes on how I did it, it never seems to work the next time and I sit here for an hour or two trying to figure it all out. Wish me luck :/


  1. When you have a new house, everyone who stops in wants to see the whole house. And of course the whole house isn't always presentable. It's a relief when everyone has seen it and can just visit in the more public rooms.

    1. So true! I mentioned to DH I wished I had known he was coming so I could have straightened up a bit. He's like what? it was fine. I'm like no...there were some dishes in the sink, etc. I had worked half the day and then took off straight to the bank and store and was planning to do my chores when I got home, LOL.

  2. When there's that many dogs it's a pack mentality and things can escalate very quickly. I have five left out of the 14 we have raised over twenty years and while they all get a long there are moments when they don't. Nothing serious but if I didn't step in at times it might get there. Oh how I wish we had some snow here in the South. Right now it's 80 degrees and the humidity is so thick you can cut it with a knife. We are supposed to be like this all week and next weekend the 60's will come in. For me, it can't come soon enough. I have a hard enough time trying to update my iPhone.. LOL Good luck with the drone I hope it went well!

    1. It makes me nervous because all are big dogs, labs and bigger. I just heard about a woman who lives near us, they have a big pack of big dogs. Two got into a fight and she tried to stop it and she got her leg bit and tore up. Hope you get some cooler weather soon. I think I got the drone figured out...only took an hour :(

  3. Lovely fall color! Hope you won't have any problems with your neighbor's new dog!

    1. I have a feeling we will have trouble with the dog. If he can't even get along with his own pack I'm not too hopeful about being around our dogs.
