Monday, October 14, 2019

Monday diets, tv, and small town life

Yesterday was a relaxing day. Nice sunny and about 55 degrees. We did take a little drive and saw several deer along the way. And a couple groups of turkeys.

Our 7 year old dog is getting fat. He's used to getting exercise and even though we have 2 acres, it hasn't been conducive to throwing the ball anywhere (especially during all the construction). So, yesterday we started just throwing it on the vacant lot next to us. It's kinda bumpy and tall grassy, but he has to get exercised. He got a session with me yesterday morning and a longer (DH can trhow farther!) session with DH yesterday afternoon and this morning. Hopefully he'll quickly start losing some of that fat! He's also been shedding like crazy. I've been trying to be better at brushing him more often. I've been doing it about once a week the past few weeks. DH decides he'll do it yesterday. Well dang, he tries to do it so fast and so hard, the poor dog kept trying to move away and DH was getting mad. I said, he's fine with me, let me do it, so he happily handed it over. Dog was fine, he stands still for me. I do it nice and easy and slow. Geez, not that hard to figure out.

Our friend from town who stops by for visits, usually once every 2 or 3 Sundays, stopped by about 4pm. Such a small area we live in. He says "hey, were you guys heading home from the city Friday  night?" Yes...."oh, I thought that was your car I saw at the small parking/rest top". We laughed and explained we were on our way to watch a football game but had to turn around because DH was sick and that was his emergency pit stop, LOL. Can't keep anything personal in this town, haha.

I'm doing the 2 week free trial of YouTube tv, so during dinner we watched the first Jack Reacher movie, then we watched the second. Then at nine was another movie, I started watching it but went to bed around 9:45, but I think Dh finished watching it. We've seen them all before, but it was nice to have something to watch besides the stupid news. We had the tv pretty loud because it always seems like movies are harder to hear, so I shut the bedroom door when I went to bed, so DH could leave the volume up. A half hour later (I was already asleep!) he comes barging through the bedroom door "what going on in here?" I wake up and say I shut the door because the tv is loud. He says oh, you could have turned it down. He goes to the bathroom walks out and doesn't shut the door and doesn't turn the tv down. So, of course I'm trying to go back to sleep. Finally I get up and look out the door and say well, either turn it down or shut the door! Are all men that clueless? LOL.

And we're still waiting on the sprinkler system and sod! Last Monday the guy acted like he was ready to get it started last Thursday or Friday. So, DH says yes, let's go and now it's "I'll let you know". This should be the very last contractor we ever have to work with again..........(and this is the guy DH was friends with as a kid)


  1. I enjoyed reading this post. Too funny about your friend noticing your car parked in the parking lot. :) Hope you have a good week.

    1. Ya can't get away with nothing in this small town, LOL.

  2. Are all men that clueless?
    Next question.....
