Wednesday, October 9, 2019

DNA relatives

So, you know how people find relatives through Ancestry DNA testing? Well, apparently it's a thing for dogs too! My DD had her dogs DNA tested while back. Someone just messaged her that their dogs share 26% DNA, meaning like aunt, uncle, grandparent or half sibling is what the message said. Crazy! The dog looks nothing like her dog, LOL. Who knew you could find your dogs relatives? haha.

We received several inches of snow overnight/this morning. Right as I was getting out of bed this morning, to start my day, our power went out. Almost 3 hours later it finally came back on. DH figured out how to use the battery back up on the gas fireplace. The fan won't work without electricity, but it still put out a lot of heat, which was nice.

I've been fighting a bit of a cold all week. It's not terrible, but making me feel tired and run down. My boss has been out sick the past 2 days. I was texting her this morning (telling her our power was out and I wasn't working yet) and she said she's felt like she got run over by a truck with a bad cold.

I'm looking at flights over to see my mom. If I wait about 3 weeks out, there are several days where the price is $188 RT. That is a great price. I just couldn't do the $600+ for that last minute pricing, especially when it wasn't an emergency. I also had another thought that I probably won't need to rent a motel while visiting her. She used to go spend weekends with her BF in his apartment all the time. I'm thinking while I'm there for a couple of nights, she can go stay with him and I can just stay in her apartment.

Not much else going on, really. I'm still really working hard at M-Turks. I made $118 last week. I'm was on track for $100 this week, but probably won't make it now that I lost all morning with the power outage. I'm only at $7 today and it's 3pm already. I've really been getting some nice bonus's too. The higher paying hits I have been able to find now sometimes pay out a bonus, too. Last week my bonus's totaled $21.

I think I'm going to make spaghetti for dinner tonight. We haven't had that in awhile and it sounds good. I picked up some garlic french bread from the grocery store yesterday when I had to go mail something at the post office in town. I'll freeze the other half of the loaf for another meal.....ok, that's if I have Spaghetti sauce in the pantry. The way I've been lately with my pantry, I wouldn't be surprised to find out I don't have any............


  1. How far do you have to drive when you go grocery shopping? With winter and snow coming your way, you may want to take an inventory and stock up on certain items. Hope power outages do not happen too often.

    1. It's 10 miles to our small town store and about 40 minutes drive to city. Yes, I will be doing some stocking up!

    2. It's not so bad. I am sure you will be fine in the winter.

  2. Can I ask what altitude you're at? I was talking to a lady at my Italian class tonight and she said we have snow at 1,800 metres (so we're ok at the moment). The longer it holds off the better, as far as I'm concerned. Actually if it just snowed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I'd be thrilled!

    1. We are at 2700 feet. Not sure of the conversion to meters!

    2. Oh, I'm at 800 metres (that's roughly 2,400 ft - roughly 3 feet to a metre), but I hope we won't be getting snow any time soon.

  3. While you are dealing with snow I am still in sleeveless shirts and flip flops, but at least the highs are only in the mid 80's now.

  4. 1800m is 5900 feet, we're at 1045m/3428 feet. We got a lot of snow in the last week and again last night but you got a lot more than us. It's going to -11C/-12f tonight. We've had a really lousy summer and fall has turned into winter really fast.

    1. You are pretty high up there. We had a decent summer (at least no forest fires!) but Fall just seemed to pass us by this year.

  5. Snow! Egads. That is great that you'll be able to stay at your mom's and get a great priced ticket. I am guessing her new place doesn't have like a guest suite? I know sometimes condos have like a guest room/little apartment.

    1. she mentioned it may have a guest suite last time I chatted with her but she wasn't sure. I just had the idea of staying in her apartment and her go stay at her BFs yesterday. If neither of those are an option there is a nice hotel just down the road from her.

    2. the more options the better :)!
