Monday, October 21, 2019

Monday mood

I'm trying to get into the Monday mood. I didn't sleep that great last night, compliments of a big dog, who normally doesn't sleep on our bed, LOL. Yesterday DH took the dogs over to a friends, to get some exercise. Well, exercise for the younger dog. The older dog has no intention of exercising, never has, LOL. Friend just got his 20 acre field mowed, so DH took the dogs and the "chuck it" and played fetch with the younger dog, while the older guy sniffed around. Wore out the younger guy and we're hoping this exercise we've been getting him the past week will result in some weight loss.

But, about the time I went to bed DH said the dog was "breathing weird" and he was concerned. I called him into the bedroom and he got up on the bed and snuggled with me and the "weird breathing" didn't last long. I'm guessing he was having reverse sneezing and I'm guessing a result of breathing in all the fresh mown pasture. He was fine after a few minutes, but then decided he's just stay in that spot......until 3am, when I finally made him go lay on the floor next to my bed, where he usually sleeps. Then I couldn't go back to sleep for awhile.

It will be interesting to see how the Canadian Prime minister election turns out today. My half sis lives in Canada. One of her daughters (same age as my dd) apparently isn't too fond of Trudeau, based on her Facebook posts. LOL. I commented on her last one "but, but...Obama endorsed him.." I really know nothing about Canadian politics. U.S. politics are ridiculous enough.

Had a relaxing day, overall, yesterday. Just did some daily chores in the morning. Watched some of the Nascar race with DH, mostly while reading a book. Then I took a short nap and he took the dogs for the exercise. We had a late afternoon snack of nacho's, so we ended up not really having dinner. Later DH had a sandwich and I had some scrambled eggs.

My lunch break today will be a trip into town for a few groceries. Out of milk, ice cream and lettuce. They've also had really good red grapes the last couple of times I've shopped there, so I want more of those, too.


  1. Hope you were able to get into your Monday mood and are having a good day. :)

    1. of my work programs froze and I had to spend an hour on the phone with our IT dept - that was an hour of my life I'll never get back, LOL.
