Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday Yay

Friday is going good. Even with working on some MTurk stuff, I'm getting lots of regular work done. And I hit upon a $10 MTurk hit just as I was going to take a lunch break, so that was 45 minutes, but during lunch break, so that was good. I'm at $37 today, so I have surpassed my $100 week goal and still have a few hours left in the day to maybe do some more, plus tomorrow. I've been keeping track of my earning from Sun-Sat. Now I've still got 15 minutes of my break to do this blog post.

The weather has been bit all over the place today. Rain, cloudy, then it will turn blue sky, then cloudy again. And very windy off and on. Supposed to have snow again tomorrow.

We are getting a little grass growing, so maybe when spring comes the areas just seeded (that won't be sod) will fill in, I hope. Our neighbors have this little grove of walnut trees (not native to here) they planted a  year or so ago. They looked great all summer and were growing. After we had that snow a couple weeks ago the trees totally lost their leaves and look awful. Poor trees. Supposedly they do lose them in Fall, but neighbors aren't sure if they are ok or not, LOL.

Each morning I keep forgetting to take something out of the freezer for dinner that night. By the time I think of it again, it's afternoon, so I don't take anything out. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time taking something out in the morning! The last 2 nights we had soup and salad. I just took some steaks (thin cut) out and will just have to use the microwave to defrost them when we have dinner in a couple of hours.

DH's woodworker friend is here and DH is trying to help  him figure out an electrical problem friend is having with his truck.

DD's inlaws invited themselves again to stay at their house for a long weekend, starting last night! She wasn't too thrilled, LOL. She just kind of wants to unwind after a long work week and putter around the house, not go looking at properties with them and have to play host for 4 days. Plus they bring their 2 dogs, which just creates chaos with their 2 dogs.

I don't know what we're doing this weekend. Not much of anything I don't it snow? LOL


  1. Eeewwww that's a difficult situation for your daughter! I'm a bit of a wimp so I'm not sure how I'd solve it but it would have to be sorted at sometime. Good luck to her!

    1. I'd be same way. I asked her how she feels if/when they eventually move nearby them. She thinks it might be better...then they can just visit for an hour or two and go home, haha! I'd say pretty much she has to spend almost every weekend with them, it seems. I'd go nuts.

  2. I know it's tough for DDs in laws. But I do hope they are able to set some boundaries. A new couple needs their time together too. Every weekend is too much!

    1. it would be way too much for me, I know. Hopefully they can find a balance.
