Monday, October 7, 2019

Felt like a long weekend

It was pretty much a housecleaning weekend. But,that's ok. I went over all the hard flooring with the dust mop. Then mopped it all with the spray mop. Dusted. Washed bedding. Making a king size bed and putting the comforter in the duvet wears me out! The mopping and bed changing/making always makes my back hurt for awhile, so I left the vacuuming until Sunday. I also managed to get rid of a big plastic bin from my master closet. Since DH hasn't built the shelving in there yet (ugh) we both still have bins of stuff in each of our closets that will eventually go on the shelves and hanged. One of my bins just had some shoes and a couple other items, so I got the shoes put on my shoe organizer thingy and put the other few items in one of the other bins that had a bit of room left.

Saturday I took out some chicken breasts as I planned to make a chicken/rice dinner. Then realized, after it thawed, that I was out of rice. Ok, I'll make chicken with stovetop stuffing. Nope, out of that too. We ended up having salad and baked potatoes. I didn't have time to try and figure out something else with the chicken and DH just doesn't really care for plain baked chicken. I had already ran into town for a few fresh groceries earlier in the day and wish I would have known I was out of that stuff.

Yesterday I made meatloaf. Not my favorite meal, but I do like the cold meatloaf sandwiches better than the dinner meal. Maybe we'll just have the sandwiches with salads tonight.

In good news, my mom does still have her Comcast for tv viewing. Apparently it was just down temporarily through her move and now it's back available again. I'm going to cancel the Hulu live tv, in a few days, after the free trial is over. I just can't see spending $45 a month when we really only watch a couple of channels, that I can get from using her service for free. We'll go back to using what channels we can get off of her account :)  I share an Amazon prime with DD, so I just sent her $60 for renewal, so I get those shows to watch, too. Plus, DD said she will still give me a Netflix gift card as gifts, since I like having that, too.

People are just weird. So, we put up that new flag pole. I think it's a bit taller than our neighbors (big deal). Theirs is probably 20ft, ours is 25ft. What DH read for recommended height was to do with how tall your house is. With our steep roof, 1 1/2 story house, ours is taller than neighbors, who's house is one story with a daylight basement. So, makes sense we should have ours taller to match the house height. Plus, we also have the state flag flying below the American flag. And that's only because DD had given it to DH as a gift when we moved here. I guess the neighbor down the road a mile said to our next door neighbor, "I saw their new flag pole, you better step up your game".  Didn't realize a flag was a competition, LOL. I did order a solar light from Amazon for $22, so DH doesn't have to keep taking the flags down every evening. At least I hope it will work. The reviews I read on it said it will light up that high and higher. Once he get the electrical working out there (when he puts in the gate, I assume) I'm sure we can use that solar light at some other area of our property to light something up.

I did manage to get started on the first Alex Cross book by James Patterson. Pretty good so far. I need to go get my eyes checked and probably need new glasses. My right eye isn't seeing quite as well through my glasses anymore.


  1. Sounds like you had a busy weekend. Too bad about running out of rice and stuffing, both! I hate it when I plan to make something and then, find out I don't have one of the items I need! Too funny about the flag pole competition!

    1. The flag pole competition has to be a guy thing, LOL.

  2. You've got some interesting neighbors. Better than the druggies though. I had my eyes checked about a month ago. I had to get new glasses since due to age, my myopia is regressing. Hope you have a nice week!

  3. I'm glad you got the Comcast back, and that your mom still can use it too for her TV viewing joys. I always end up doing that, cooking and forgetting that I don't have my ingredients but the end meal you made sounds delicious!

    1. I'm really glad about the Comcast, too. I'd rather keep that $45 a month in my bank account :)

  4. I have an odd neighbor (OK in real life she is bat shit crazy) but she can be entertaining at least.
    Sometimes you just have to look at weirdness as real life theater.
    Glad you got your competition flag pole in the ground. Game on,huh?

    1. and apparently neighbor told DH that now that they found out we are doing a nice lawn in between our lots and the back, now his wife wants theirs to be nice lawn, haha. Their front is sod, but their side yard and back is just kind of natural grass that he mows. I asked DH if he told him they don't have to change their yard just because we are putting in lawn like they have in front. LOL
