Friday, November 17, 2017

working through Friday

What a busy morning at work it's been for a Friday. Started with an email from my boss forwarding a list of detail needed by our CPA - to finally finish our 2016 tax return! Apparently, it's been a long delay due to some owner transfer of stock to some of the key management and trying to get all figured out or something. I know my boss is swamped and to get this list asking for 7 items was probably more than she wanted to deal with this morning, so I'm glad she passed it on to me. It took me almost a couple of hours, but it's done and sent to her now. I also took it upon myself yesterday to try and work though a prevailing wage issue we've been having. I hope I have resolved it. Boss has been in out of office meetings for past 2 days, so probably hasn't had time to look at my email about it.

I deserved a little break after that, so here I am. LOL.  One of our dogs has something in his ear that is driving him (and us) nuts. I put some ear solution in his ear last night and again this morning. I hate when that happens to him. There really doesn't seem a lot that can be done, other than it working itself out after a couple of days.  DD's puppy is having diarrhea the last 2 days and she doesn't know why. He did have more puppy shots last Friday, maybe a reaction? If he's still having it when they get home from work today, she's calling their vet. 

We got several inches of snow during the night, so I woke up to a white wonderland. DH is happy. Snow is his happyness. Now it's warmed up and all melted LOL.

No big weekend plans. I just had to send $125 to the state for registering our water well for the property. One more thing out of the way.


  1. What can get into a dog's ear? Ear wax drives me crazy, but I had a finger and can hold a Qtip. I know I should use neither.

    1. I have no idea what gets in his ear. Probably one of his long hairs! (there's enough of them all over my house LOL) I don't think it's infected, it's not red or anything.

  2. I love snow too. Besides, many drivers in this huge city of officially over 14 million are so scared of snow that, snowy days are the only ones that we can drive in peace. Weird, ey?

    1. we only have a million people in this whole big state LOL. it's pretty easy to drive here. There's not much traffic any day. The snow plows do a lot of work and it's pretty flat everywhere.

  3. I wish our snow would melt. Despite periods of freezing rain, everything remains white. Perhaps if we had a snowmobile I might be more inclined to enjoy it more! Lol

    1. ours keeps melting so far, but the snow up in the hills around us is starting to stay. Makes for pretty scenery. This next week is supposed to be all rain and in the 50's
