Friday, November 3, 2017

oh, it's Friday

It does not feel like Friday to me. I'm glad it is, but it sure doesn't feel like it. It's been snowing all morning and we have 2-3 inches, though it's not sticking on the streets. It's nice to sit here and work and see the snow falling outside my office window. Very peaceful. Off the corner of my window view I can see part of the grade school playground and the kids are playing in the snow at recess.

I need something to read! Every book I try to download from my library app is on a wait list. I have like 10 I'm waiting for. A few are book club future books (so hopefully I'll have them by the time I need to read). One book I reserved last July and I'm still waiting! I'm out of ideas to look for to read, but I can't go all weekend without something to read.

Yesterday I got my DD's birthday presents ordered. I'm having a bouquet of flowers delivered to her. Last Mother's Day I had flowers sent to my mom and MIL so I paid for the FTD Gold membership to get free shipping/service fees for a year (it paid for itself on the 2nd delivery), so figured I might as well use it again. She loves flowers. I had also asked her to give me her annual "birthday and Christmas wish list". She gave me one idea LOL. A programmable crockpot. I ordered one through Target to ship directly to her. I also added a crockpot carrying bag and some slow cooker liners (best thing ever for cooking in crockpots and no clean up). All told, flowers and crockpot stuff, I spent $82 on her and will get some Swagbucks back on the Target purchase and 1% cash back using my debit card for the flowers purchase.  Funny thing I noticed on the FTD page - I had logged in and the upper right said "gold status". I searched for flowers and put some in my cart but it was charging me delivery fee of $18. I had to do some searching and figured out I had to start at a different FTD "gold" page to place the order. Well, the flowers were like $3 more as a gold member, than just ordering regularly, but then I did get the $18 delivery fee removed. I never feel like I can start Christmas shopping until I get her birthday out of the way LOL.

Walmart's online shopping has changed. While they seem to have fixed the exorbitant prices on some items, I'm noticing that over all the prices are now higher than in store and it's even noted, by showing both prices. Online prices are usually 50% or higher than in-store prices. I probably won't be ordering from Walmart online much any more. I might have to check out Amazon Pantry. I still haven't figured out how that one really works.  DH had talked to our UPS guy the other day and he said deliveries have really increased in this rural area as people are more and more ordering their stuff online.


  1. Hi, I am a long time reader and occasional commenter.. I thought I would share a few titles of books I have enjoyed this year. Perhaps they are available for download.
    I Liked My Life by Abby Fabiaschi
    Clara and Mr. Tiffany by Susan Vreeland
    On Turpentine Lane by Elinor Lipman
    The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald

    These are light entertaining books.

    1. Thank you so much! I will look those up and appreciate your taking the time to comment!

    2. I was able to get Clara and Mr. Tiffany. I Liked My Life was not on library list (darn, that one sounded good) and I was able to put a hold on the other two.

  2. I read constantly, but would probably need to know what kind of books you like. I did love The 100 year old man who climbed out of the window and walked away though. Very sweet and very silly. And yuck to the snow - I guess we have it heading our way soon - thank goodness I get my snow tyres on next week. Anna

    1. I pretty much read anything except horror novels, LOL. I will look up this book you suggested. Thanks! We like the snow so I guess that is good for us :)

    2. must be a good one - another one I have to put on my wait list haha!

  3. My all time favorite book is A Confederacy of Dunces By John Kennedy Toole. I have read it every year since it was published and I still delight in it.

    1. oh my goodness! another book that has a wait list! I'm adding it, though :)

  4. I am ticked off at Wal-Mart. I noticed the different prices last night when placing an order. So you pay dearly for free shipping. It was nice while it lasted but I won't order anymore.
    I would love to see snow. Can't wait!
    Enjoy the weekend,

    1. I'm really bummed about it, too. It was so convenient and I put in an order just about once a week, so they were definitely getting regular business out of me. Not anymore. We're supposed to get snow off and on for the next week :)

  5. I read your blog all the time, but I rarely comment. I love books so these are my favourites - and some of them are by amazing Canadian authors (by an unbiased Canadian ;) )

    - The Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to his White Mother by James McBride
    - Fifth Business by Robertson Davis (its a trilogy)
    - The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy (has a sequel)
    - The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood (the only book by her I can actually read)
    - Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery (the entire Anne series is beautiful)

    1. Thanks for all the suggestions! The Handmaid's Tale is on our book club list for later Spring. I haven't read the others and will look for them :)

  6. I tend to read (and reread!) a lot of business and financial books. For lighter reading, I've really enjoyed Mitch Albom. The five people you meet in Heaven was one of my favorites he authored.

    1. I read Tuesdays with Morrie years ago. I'll have to look at this book (and his others). Thanks for the suggestion!
