Thursday, November 16, 2017

Trying not to spend extra

When I had my doctor visit (to refill meds) last month I paid my co-pay for office visits of $25. Insurance processed it as a specialist visit at $50. It was in no way a specialist. I didn't even see an MD, she was an NP, for goodness sake.  Since many moons ago I worked in doctor office billing (for a pediatrician office) I know how this works. I called up the billing department (at a different office than where I went) and asked about it. She told me the office is considered a specialist office. Oh brother. It's not. The name is Women's Care and Family Wellness. They are just regular doctors. If a pediatrician's office isn't considered "specialist office" then neither would this.

So, I then called the office I went to.  They should know what they are LOL. She said No, we are not a specialist office and you saw an NP. Yep. So she asked me to bring in my EOB. I said I live an hour away can I just email it? Well, no, we can't email with you (oh brother) but can you fax it in? Ok. Well, I don't have a fax machine any more (who does? LOL) so I worked up a cover page and a copy of my eob and emailed it to our receptionist and asked her to please fax it for me from the office. I am not paying a specialist visit copay to see an NP about a cholesterol med refill!

I went to the little town grocery store at lunch yesterday to get my turkey. I had a few other items to pick up but saw they had a deal where if you spent $50 the turkey was .99/lb (vs. $1.69) . So, I added some more items to my cart. I couldn't add it up in my head, but figured how hard would it be to get to $50? Their stuff is expensive and I rarely get out of there for much less than that. I had her ring up everything but the turkey. Total: $49.70! I grabbed a candy bar.


  1. 30 cents short.....that's the kind of thing I'd do! lolz
    I heard on the news(national)earlier this week a report that Walmart was selling same items online for more than in store. Hmmm.....sounds like something you found out a month ago.

    1. yes, I sure did. Since I usually place an order about once a week and I'm familiar with my regular prices. Not to mention they put them right on there now, the in-store price vs. the online price. Seems like them selling online shouldn't be more than a brick and mortar store, where they have all that overhead/employees, etc.

  2. I can't help but wonder how many people have been overcharged and simply just pay the bill. Good for you for getting this corrected.
    ...and I would have also grabbed the candy bar to get my turkey at a cheaper price!

    1. the billing lady from the actual dr's office called me after receiving my fax. She is getting their main billing dept to resubmit w/my insurance, as it's not a specialist. She doesn't know why I was told by their main billing dept that they were, either.
