Sunday, November 19, 2017

Vet visit

Well, I'm $118 poorer, but one of my dogs is on his way to feeling better. Poor guy had a yeast ear infection.  While the nearest vet is almost an hour away, at least they are open on weekends and I was able to get him an appointment yesterday afternoon. For the next 9 days I have to treat his ear with a rinse and then this drop type of ointment. The meds were the pricey part of the visit. I only have $10 in my Capital One "pet" savings account, but I do have $100 in my "travel" account again, and since I just made a trip at the end of September to visit DD and mom, I probably won't be needing to go again until at least next Spring. I might transfer half of that balance over to Pets to put toward the $118 I spent.

We have free HBO on Dish this weekend and watched a good movie yesterday: Hidden Figures. I really enjoyed it, but like with most movies based on a true story, I will google it for more info. Then I was kind of disappointed to find out a lot of the things in the movie related to how they were treated did not really happen. I get that they would need to conflate the timeline of the women's 3 stories, but the one lady became a supervisor (and of whites) years before this movies timeline even started, not at the end. It was still a good movie, though. My favorite part was when the woman who wanted to be an engineer went to her first class and the teacher said "our curriculum isn't geared toward women" LOL.

DD did a craft bazaar yesterday to sell her soy candles. She sold $230 worth, so she was very happy. She did this last year and only sold like $110. I had sent her some big pine cones a few weeks ago I picked up out at our property and she had her table display really cute with a log sliced tray, the pine cones and her candles. She had two sizes and on the larger ($15) size she put a sign, buy 3 get one small candle free. That was probably a good idea as I think she sold that little combo 2 or 3 times.

Not much else going on. I really need to vacuum today, so that is going to happen. I will probably wash sheets and blankets too. DH needs to find something to do. He's bored and getting on my nerves. He found out last night an acquaintance (I guess you could call him that) passed away. About our age. DH knew him through when our kids raced. They never actually met in person (he lived in another state) but they had emailed about the sport quite a bit. They started off not really getting along at first, but then realized they were on the same page. They later became Facebook friends and their running joke was to call each other a-hole. He saw on Facebook that he passed away. Sad.

I woke up this morning wondering why the weekends go so darn fast, but then I remembered I only have to work 2 1/2 days this week. That will be a nice break to have. Then I'll have almost 2 weeks off between Christmas and New Years.


  1. Can you find the medicine online or cheaper elsewhere and treat the dog yourself? Did the vet say what caused it, so you can not have this happen again? Since a yeast infection can drive a person mad, I am sure your dog was suffering. My friend caught a full body yeast infection from her dog. She slept in the back of her jeep with him in the heat of Albuquerque in the summer, not internal.

    1. The vet just said that their ears have a certain amount of yeast and bacteria already in them, but sometimes too much water/moisture or even something like grasses/foxtail get down in ear and they get infected. not really sure how he got it. The vet didn't see any foreign stuff in ears.I really didn't want to wait and try to order meds online, since his ear was so red and bothering him. He's already doing better and his ear is less red this morning. I will look for the stuff to see if I can get it myself, if it happens again in the future. That does not sound like a good thing that your friend got!

  2. Good that you didn't wait to take your dog to the vet. I made the mistake of donig that and it ended up resulting in the poor pup developing an aural hematoma which needed to be corrected via surgery. $118 is a bargain compared to what surgery can cost. I'm sure your pup appreciates feeling better, too.

    I'll need to check out that story. I like those types of movies, too. How awesome for your daughter to make some money selling her candles! Sorry about your Hub's friend. Sad to see friends pass away. :(

  3. I watched the same movie just yesterday too. Isn't it amazing that we are probably 6-7 thousand miles apart and we get to see the same movie on the same weekend?

    1. that is amazing! Did you enjoy it? Those ladies are good actresses and I've always liked Kevin Costner.

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