Thursday, November 2, 2017

Local current events and more friend strangeness

So, our county is kinda falling apart! DH likes to keep up with what is going on around him (local and national) and watches county council meetings, after they are posted online. Last month we had two deputies (out of 7 total sheriff guys) quit and a 3rd (that lives near us) told DH he's looking for a new job. Then in the meeting DH watched, it was discussed that 3 (out of 4 or 5) jail guards have now quit in the past week or so. They've actually had to close down the jail for the time being because they don't have anyone to watch the prisoners. The prisoners they did have were either transferred to another county jail or let go.

The common denominator in the reason for all the quitting? The head sheriff. They all say the "management" is the reason for quitting and when you are only making $10.50 an hour to be a jail guard, they aren't going to also work for someone who treats them bad......The news stations interview the sheriff......he totally spins it that they are all quitting because of the poor pay. He is such a piece of crap! We have met him twice and literally cannot stand the guy. (and we're usually the type of people that always give people the benefit of the doubt that they are good people) The deputies make like $18 an hour. And while this council meeting was happening (two of the jail guards that quit showed up and said why they quit) the sheriff......who's already short handed by two not at the meeting because he's off hunting...unbelievable. One of the (ex) jail guards said that all of the dispatchers have told him they are also looking for new jobs.

Later, in the meeting, they were on to some other topic and it was relayed that the main real estate agent guy in town says that the reason land is not selling in our county is because no one can get construction loans due to it's all in a fire zone. WHAT?! Could this be true? We bought this land, put more money into site improvements and won't be able to get a construction loan? I have an email into our realtor guy to see what he might know of the subject. I'm not going to be applying for a construction loan until after the first of the year, but we'd hate to put more money into the site work and then be told no loans available. I just can't imagine that would be right. This has been a fire zone county for EVER. Nothing new. I'm hoping this is all hogwash.  The other part of the meetings I find kind of strange (but maybe this is normal for rural/small town) is that it appears the county prosecuting attorney runs the meetings and seems to be basically in charge. The 3 commissioners just kinda sit there going "um..ok, uh huh".

Another example is our volunteer ran ambulance station. Paid for with tax money (and grants). It was last MAY when a guy showed up and started taking all the siding off. He took two sides off. He used what he took off to re-side his old house in town. Apparently he was supposed to take it all off in trade for getting the old siding for free. Some of the old siding was warping and such and the "powers that be" (I use this term very loosely) got the siding company to warranty it. The new siding arrived in boxes months ago. So, here sits the ambulance station (it's only about 6 or 7 years old) with half it's siding missing - just plywood and the new stuff in boxes is sitting it it's driveway getting rained (and now snowed) on. What the hell is wrong with these people? LOL. In some ways it's all quite comical to watch.

So, then last night DH's buddy (he lives in the next county over, works in the city. DH has been friends with him over 20 years) calls up (I think DH had tried to call him earlier in the day about something). DH starts to tell him what is going on in our county (above) and he just gets all crappy and says "I don't give a $&^% what happens in that county. Maybe you should take the jail guard job then". DH was like, um...ok, I guess you don't want to hear about it then. It was a strange whole conversation with friend. Too much to drink that night? Who knows. DH hung up feeling (again) very unsettled about him. Like DH said to me, he wasn't telling him about our county issues to complain or anything - he was just sharing it because it's current events/news going on right now. It's been on the local news and all, about the sheriff situation. It was just a topic for conversation. - just as I did above.  DH did try (again) to explain to him why he doesn't work anymore. Sure, he has some good days/nights. Some  nights he gets 5-6 hours sleep (a good night). Other nights he's up every hour or two trying to get his legs to unlock. Plus, stress makes him feel worse and I would rather have him at home, taking care of stuff around here that he can, rather than being all stressed out at a job and being even sicker and more pain. It's just not worth it, for him to maybe work a part time job. I do know I am getting tired of him telling DH he needs to get a job! DH has another good friend who is 55. Doesn't work anymore - he doesn't want to and his wife makes a really good salary, so he doesn't need to. So what? It's his life and business, not anyone elses. I would never dream of telling the guy (and he doesn't have medical issues) that he needs to get a job. I know DH and he's the type that doesn't have a problem ridding himself of toxic "friends", so if this friend keeps it up, I don't think he'll be a part of our lives much longer.


  1. The head of the county commission runs the meetings here. I wonder why the attorney took over.

    I have no problem scraping "friends" off my plate. They don't have to be a whole lot toxic for me to decide it is not worth the trouble. Downer conversations that dump on me are no good. Will the state step in if the govt does not work and there is no police force? I hope the news about being in fire zone and not getting a construction loan is not true. Maybe your husband has time to dig around online and see what is really happening.

    1. that's how it worked in our old county, too. There were 7 commissioners and 1 was in charge of the meetings. I'm not sure what will happen if the sheriff's dept falls apart even more than it has. I would think the state would have to.

  2. I hope what you heard about construction loans are not true.

    I am thinking if your husband's "friend" is a real friend or not. What kind of a person has such a deaf ear to your husband's health troubles?

    1. I'm still waiting to hear back from our realtor to see if he's heard anything about it. Honestly, I think his drinking is more of a problem them we probably even realize.

  3. After all that you have been through, I really hope that the rumor about the construction loans in bogus too! Definitely let us know what happens!
    I'm sorry your DH had to go through that with his "friend". I can sort of relate because of my MS - I "look" fine so people are always wondering why I'm not out there working a full time job. Maybe DH's friend is going through something he hasn't shared and is extra irritable? Or maybe, it is time for DH to let the friendship go because it's run its course. No matter how long someone has been in your life, if they make you feel crappy about yourself, it's time to move on.

    1. Yes, it's just like you experience with the MS (he has similar symptoms). Friend has shared at lest some of his troubles with DH and DH is a good listener type of friend. But yes, there's no reason at all to keep making DH feel bad.

  4. True friends don't belittle circumstances they don't understand. Yeah, he sounds like a major pill.

    1. I agree and especially because DH has shared more with him about his health problems than he does with most others. I really think his excessive alcohol use is starting to have an effect on him and his life.
