Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Left hanging

It's lunch time. I was supposed to be sitting somewhere in a  restaurant with DH and our builder........Surprise....he blew us off again.  He was supposed to let us know where and exactly what time to meet....no call or message last night. DH called him around 9 or 9:30 this morning and left a message inquiring and never got a call back. So disgusted. But not surprised. I had a feeling this would happen. I don't think it's too much to ask for him to get with us for an hour or two and answer some questions about our plans and the building process.  Sure would be nice, just once, to have someone we will be PAYING act like they actually want our business! Geez. Makes you wonder how these business people make it.

update: The builder did end up calling around 2pm and rescheduled us to meet noon on Thursday. We'll see how it goes, I guess.


  1. I hope you get a new builder. If it’s this much trouble now imagine how bad it could Get when he actually starts building.

  2. I would be very leery. Our builder was great 80 percent of the time during and 100 percent at first. If he is still planning on living at the property, then maybe it will be different. Please bring this up with him. Better you know upfront!

    1. hopefully meeting with him in person will give us a better feel for it all

  3. Do you have to use him or can you find a different builder or contractor?

    1. No we don't have to use him. If we have to, we'll have to start searching for a new one

  4. Replies
    1. I know!! We're too easy going and shouldn't be putting up with this.

  5. I would be very afraid at this point.

    1. as each month gets closer to building we are getting more afraid of it all

  6. With as many times as he has blown you off, I'd be looking at other options. Did he give you any references? I wonder if others had a similar experience.

    1. He built our good friends house a few years ago. It's a really nice custom home. Our first question to friends was "would you use him again?" and they said yes.

  7. I hope you have better options. This guy certainly is not reliable. Was it too much to text you that he would not be able to make it today?

    1. That's what we're afraid of, not much better options. It seems most business's around here are pretty laid back and SLOW. I agree, a simple text would have been appreciated. Rather than me sitting there all morning wondering if I still needed to take the afternoon off work.
