Monday, May 30, 2022

Weekend update

We had a nice weekend with our friends. Though, the other couple was not able to drive down from their home 2 1/2 hours north of us, due to a family emergency. We just spent Saturday talking and then went out to dinner. This is the restaurant we have been going to for years, but only a few times since Covid.  We took dd/sil and friend there a couple months ago. While new owners, it was the same menu. This time it was a new menu. Of course the 2 things we usually order aren't on it anymore! DH always gets the fish and chips and I either get that or grilled salmon. Now the only fish on the menu was mahi mahi. DH ended up trying a bison burger and I got a baked chicken. The food was good, but kind of disappointing that there is no longer our favorite meals there to eat. We probably won't go as often anymore now.

On the way there we stopped at a couple of quick landmarks to see. On the way home we drove through the area that typically can see elk and deer. We saw a few elk, but it's calving season so they are spread out, not herded up. We did see a nice little herd of deer in a field right by the road. Then we drove on into town and drove through town and showed them our old house. There is a new house being built across the street! (the 4 lots across the street were vacant when we lived there). Plus the lot on the other side of our house, where someone had built a little shop and have been living in a camper trailer, is now breaking ground for the house. We decided we were glad we didn't stay there. Much more crowded feeling with the extra houses (and 3 more to come). These are tiny 9000 sf lots.

Our cat was very sociable with the guests. Our old pooch is still having problems with a little blood coming from his nose. I'm going to have to call the vet tomorrow morning to get an appointment to get this checked out - they will have to put him under to do a scan.

Sunday we just took our time getting ready in the morning. Friend doesn't really eat much breakfast at all, so both days it's just been like a continental breakfast style. Pick what you want, LOL. Between the fruits, breads, muffins, cereal, etc., there was plenty to choose from. 

Then we decided to take them out to the big annual flea market. It was a good one this year, seemed like lots of good stuff to look at. They really loved it. They want to come back next year for it and drive their pickup next time, haha! Stuff they wanted wouldn't have fit in their trunk, LOL. We walked the whole thing. First I bought this cute little metal "music box". Friend saw them first and she liked the one they had that looked like an oil pump like they have in Texas and asked how much. $15! We both looked at each other like what? did you say $50? Nope, $15. Then dh started looking at the different ones and he liked the one that looked like a little mining operation (since we live in mining mountains). Then I got some carved wood picture art.

Next up we came across a cool rustic wood bench. We've been wanting something for our back patio and we both really liked this bench. Oh goodness - can we fit it in the car, since we have 4 of us riding in the car? The guy said he's fit them in SUV's. We decided to go for it. Worse case dh would have to drive back home and get his pickup. We got it in.....though we had to fold down the back seat and middle seat and I had to ride sitting on the folded down part, haha.

It was past lunch so we drove on up to a restaurant we have been to a few times before. The food was good (though it was more expensive there for lunch than our dinner cost at the other restaurant!). We got home around 3 and just sat around talking. It worked out great (for me, ha!). No one was really hungry for dinner at all. We ended up just snacking later on crackers/meats/cheeses. Friends had also brought us a couple of gifts. A flower/plant arrangement for me and a bundt cake for dh, LOL. When he had visited them several years ago, in Texas, they bought a cake from this cake store and dh thought it was the best ever cake. Now there was one of those cake stores when the left Washington (where they went first before coming to see us) so they bought one. It's sooo yummy! So, last night dinner was cheese and crackers and more of the cake.

They left just before 10am this morning, on their way to Nebraska to visit some relatives for a couple of days then back on to Texas. They loved the flea market so much they are now planning to come again next year for it. I said well hey, stay the week then, and trailer up the Chevelle and the next Saturday is our towns annual car show, so that is the plan. It was a fun weekend and pretty relaxing.

My mom's prescription refills and new prescription still hasn't even shipped. GRRR! I was hoping it would be in the mail by tomorrow morning and I could take them to her tomorrow, since I have the day off. Frustrating. They've had the prescription orders for a week now and still not shipped.

My work health insurance renewed to start again June 1. I had also, for the first time added dh. On Friday I got my new health insurance card in the mail, but not one for dh. Where the heck is his? Now I'm stressing for some reason he didn't get added, so I will have to check on it tomorrow.

I do feel like I will need a nap today, though. 3 late nights is pretty exhausting for me.


  1. Your weekend sound busy and fun. You will post a picture of the bench? The guests must like the flea market lots to plan on coming back next year. Lots of cats hide when strangers come. My nose is bleeding a bit, too. Hopefully, pup's won't be a bad problem.

    1. I thought they might enjoy the flea market but didn't know they'd love it, haha! I'll put a picture of the bench in my next post

  2. ( Anne Bee ) Sounds like all your planning and preparation really paid off and you were able to enjoy the visit as much as your friends obviously did. Well done!

    1. it went well. I must be getting a little better at it, haha.

  3. Glad you had a fun weekend. Flea Market sounds really great.

    1. it is a fun flea market. So much different stuff.
