Friday, May 6, 2022


Our friends from Texas are coming for Memorial Day weekend. Supposed to get here Friday and stay until Monday or Tuesday. I will put in for Friday (it's already just a half work day) and Tuesday off. Her best friend also lives in Montana, but 125 miles away. We met her when we went to Texas last summer, for friends surprise birthday party. She was loads of fun. Friend also wants to see her while they are up here, so asked if it was ok if they invited her and her husband to come and stay Saturday night. So, we'll have a houseful of guests!

And then I had a dream last night that friends got here and we start showing them around (but it's not really like my house haha) and next thing I know there are like 50 or 100 people all over my house that they brought with them! They were everywhere and I'm like what is going on?! Eventually so many I couldn't even find my husband. By later evening there were even people sitting in my bedroom that I was trying to get out. Goofy dreams, haha.

I need to order a couple of new pillows for one of the guest beds. I've made do with them because we typically only have guests in one room at a time, but I've been going to get some new pillows for awhile, just haven't done it.  Ok, pillows ordered. I got the same Wamsutta ones we have on one bed, from Bed Bath and Beyond. I already know I like them (I've taken naps on them haha) so best to stay with something I know is good. I almost ordered some from Amazon. Like thousands of reviews supposedly 4.5 starts but then start reading the reviews and so many bad ones. How do they get that rating then? LOL

I am just not much of an entertainer. While I'll enjoy having them for sure, I will find meals the hardest. When we stayed at their house (like 4 days) we pretty much ate out lunch and dinners. Breakfast was just fend for yourself - which was kind of hard because she really didn't have much available. I usually just had coffee and toast or a banana. We don't live where we can just run out to all the nearby fast food and restaurants for meals while they are here, so of course I will have to plan ahead well. I'm sure we will go out to dinner at least a couple of the days, though. 

I tend to over think it - or try to - but like when dd comes I have plans for having this or that food on hand and then either forget to buy it or end up running out of time to get to the store last minute, like for fresh fruit stuff. I wish we could BBQ, but we both suck at it. Usually Memorial weekend is good hot weather. Will be nice for being out on the back patio and bbq'ing haha. 

I will be in the city Tuesday of that week to take my mom to her doctor visit, so I'll be able to pick up all the groceries. I think I will just have on hand some different choices for breakfast: bagels, muffins and fresh fruit. If their friends come down and also spend the night Saturday, for Sunday breakfast I will do something more, like scrambled eggs, sausages, toast, and fruit. Lunches I will have stuff to make sandwiches. Not sure what else I could have on hand as lunch options. I'd like to try to figure out if there is some stuff/meal I could prepare ahead of time, so I just have to put it in the oven. I could probably do that with the enchiladas. Make up a big batch on Friday, before they get here and have it one of the nights. It should be ok in the fridge for 2-3 days (uncooked) I would think?

And of course dh is trying to think of some activities we could do while they are here. There's not a ton of options, haha. There will be the big annual flea market in the next town over. I've always liked walking around looking at the stuff. They would probably like that. We got the carved wood bear there last year. I also suggested a drive to go see the bison, but dh said they probably won't want to spend too much time riding around in a car, since they just drove 1800 miles. I suppose we could go into the city, dh could show them around, where he grew up, etc and we can grab one of the meals in the city. Other options would be a drive back up the mountains, but to get to some neat places we've been to also requires some hiking and I don't think they are at all into that. Friend, weight wise, and his wife has some hip or back problems. They would probably enjoy that car museum we took dd/sil to, but it's about an hour and a half drive. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what they feel like doing when they get here. No doubt much of the visit will just be siting around visiting with each other, which is good too.

Or, I end up making all the plans and they get canceled. That is usually what happens, for whatever reason.  Stay tuned, haha!


  1. Maybe a breakfast casserole would be nice with fruit and cereal options, too. I was horrified, yet laughing, at your dream/nightmare. Maybe one of your guests can bbq or thinks he/she can. It sounds like fun.

    1. We do have several cereal options, too. I've never made a breakfast casserole, so would be hesitant to try something new I don't have experience making, haha.

    2. There is a recipe that has tater tots and eggs and sausage that you could try out before they come. Your daughter might have ideas.

  2. I feel for you. I always get overwhelmed. I buy too much, quantity wise. And forget. LoL
    I would have a lot of chips & nuts and other snacks.
    Cards & boardgames can come in handy. It can be a lot of work. Before & after.
    You can come & hide out at my place. :)

    1. I'm probably going to be worn out after, haha!

  3. We sometimes like sausage balls for breakfast with guests. Super easy/make ahead, a little fruit and coffee completes the meal. I definitely over think the food aspect of having company.

    1. I don't want to try any new recipes with guests. It stresses me out enough just making the stuff I know how to make! LOL

  4. I'm used to cooking for crowds so never phased, but I can see why it could be nerve wracking. Continental breakfast, make your own sandwich) salad bar, and grill with bagged salads, potato salad or other things you can get from Walmart or a local deli. I don't know how many meals you need but Take and bake pizza bar would be another option, or taco bar. Good luck

    1. I've never much liked to cook and especially have never had to do much for large crowds and I have always hated cooking for anyone other than family. Over the years I've learned a couple good dishes to take to a potluck, so I just stick with those when I have to provide something

  5. Buffet style breakfast will give you the chance to pick up lots of stuff that can be used when they go home as well as giving your guests plenty of choice.
    Breakfasts are hard to get right as everyone is different first thing in the morning. I'm thinking hotel style buffet; fruits ( a large bowl of 3/4 different fruits ) and fruit juice, yogurts, eggs ( scrambled to order or just boiled and peeled ) a cheeseboard of individually wrapped cream type cheeses, cereals in large jars like oats or muesli. Selection of breads and a toaster to do their own toast.
    Lots of coffee, tea etc.
    Turn it into a fun activity that will break the ice. You may have a guest who just wants to nurse a coffee first thing but they can feel part of the group just by watching the others pile their plates! A buffet also means that the person who doesn't want to eat first thing can go back and help themselves later.
    I'd be more than happy to have this sort of buffet breakfast as a guest.

    1. I love that plan. That's a little what I did one of the mornings when dd/sil and their friend came recently, since everyone was getting up at different times. I'm one of those who likes coffee first and then eat something a little later

    2. Me too.
      I forgot to add jams, marmalade, honey, chocolate spread etc.

  6. You guys might enjoy going to Phillipsburg to poke around. It's about the same distance as Deer Lodge. They have the best candy store I've ever been to. Theres also a soda fountain diner with good food. I usually just get a huckleberry soda though. There's a sapphire gallery and antique stores too.its a cute town. Theres also a ghost town there. Everything is closed on Saturdays in Phillipsburg tho because they are seventh day advents or something.

  7. Make 2-3 quiche ahead of time- reheats well. Looks fancy but oh so easy. Lunches - sandwiches and maybe pre make a huge green salad, Greek salad or antipasto salad? Relish tray, veggie tray- always good to have on hand. Pre make a pot of spaghetti sauce? Easy to just boil noodles and put garlic bread in oven.
