Sunday, May 22, 2022

Added furnishings

My office is coming along, finally. The sofa arrived about 9am yesterday. While not confusing to put together it did take awhile. 

DH offered to move the 2 bins into the bedroom next door's closet. He also took my old tower computer down to the garbage can. I'm getting there! The next 3 things on my list to get is throw pillows, a floor lamp for the corner and something to hang on the wall over it. What to put on the wall will probably take me forever to decide. Anyhow, it looks much better than an ugly wire dog crate sitting there. That got cleaned off, folded down and put back in storage.

My mom took her pills on her own again last evening and even did it 10 minutes early. I got the motion notification she was back in her apartment and turned on the live view and saw her walk over to adjust her heat and then she pushed the button to dispense the pills and went to her sink and took them. But then later in the evening I saw her trying and trying to turn her tv on with the remote. No idea why. She doesn't usually have problems. I've added to my list of things to do/check when I am there on Tuesday. If I don't see her watching tv between now and then.

I finished watching Bosch last night (did you enjoy it T'Pol?) and it was good. Hopefully there are more seasons of this spinoff. I do miss his old "LT" character. She was a good actor and too bad they couldn't have fit her character in somehow. Now, I'm going to go back to Grace and Frankie and finish that show. 

I was just looking online with Amazon for an inexpensive floor lamp and found one I liked, but then started reading the reviews and many said it's top heavy and tips over easy. Nope. Not with a cat living in this room! I'll keep looking. Maybe a floor lamp isn't a good idea in this room.

DH and I ran into town (like a 10 minute drive) to get a few things at the grocery store. A gallon of milk there is now $5. We ran into our UPS guy in the parking lot. He doesn't live out here and dh was like what are you doing out here on your day off? He said he was picking up some concrete mix because he's installing a flag pole at someone's house. He said "it's quieter out here than in the city". LOL.



  1. I am glad the sofa came before the guests. If the cat will try to climb the lamp, it is not a good idea.
    Maybe your mother is getting a bit better, hopefully.

    1. I'm glad it came too. Now my office doesn't look so empty and unfinished.

  2. That couch looks like a nice place to take a nap. I like that it has 2 long cushions & not 3 smaller ones. Nice!!

    1. I hate being anon. Lol

    2. I was kind of thinking mid day naps, too...LOL

  3. Oh I haven't watched Bosch yet. My BFF and I are watching the 3rd season of Goliath. We are thinking of waiting until my visit to the US. Your new couch looks very nice.

  4. ( Anne Bee 🐝 ) IKEA used to do a nice floor lamp approximately 4 feet high, very light with a lightweight shade. It had a thin steel shaft that screwed together and a square steel foot. Not describing this very well, sorry!
