Saturday, May 14, 2022

Office furniture

One of the areas in our house still unfinished with furniture is my office. It's a big room with a big dormer with a window. My L-shaped desk is in one corner and under window of the dormer area and behind me on the side wall of dormer is 2 oak filing cabinets. The rest of the room is pretty empty - other than 3 big bins of "stuff" I have in the corner of the room and also we have been using our old wire dog crate for the cat. While kitty no longer gets shut in it, since it has a big plastic tray for the bottom I have his litter box set inside it as well as his food bowl in the other side of it. It's just lovely, LOL.

So, for what almost 3 years now? haha, I have been wanting some furniture in here to fill out/finish the room. I wanted something (faux for my budget) in like a camel colored leather, but then dh suggested it really should be something that converts to a bed, just to have the extra sleeping if we ever need it. Just didn't want to spend $1200 or more for a sleeper sofa, plus how to get something that heavy up the stairs with just the 2 of us? Then last week I came across a futon with a leather look type mattress. It wasn't exactly what I had in mine, but would work. But I had not bought it yet and then came across another that is kind of a futon style, but looks like what I had envisioned in here in the first place. It looks more like a couch then a futon but folds down like one. Then I sat with that on my computer for several days trying to decide. I finally ordered it yesterday from Wayfair and it's supposed to be here by the end of next week. I think it's also something dh and I should be able to get upstairs no problem. It will be really nice to finally have this checked off my list.

Then I have been looking at these wood "cat litter cabinets" and I think I'm going to order one of these to try. It will look much better than a wire dog crate! I think this is the one I'm going to get

Also on Wayfair, but I will earn $29 in rewards from the sofa purchase as soon as it ships and I can apply that towards this purchase, so I am waiting. Amazon has same thing for same price, if my sofa doesn't ship/credit me soon I might just order it from Amazon as I'd like to get it here before we have our guests staying with us. I can always use the $29 credit towards something else at some point. Wayfair has this same exact item listed twice on it's website, same picture and everything but different "manufacturer's" One is $109 and the other is $369! Gosh, which one shall I order??

Our dog seems better, but still not 100%. When he's just resting he's fine, but when he gets up to eat or go outside he will sneeze a little bit, but there hasn't been any blood, but this morning he sneezed right before going out and a little bit came out, but it was more kind of a little snotty mess with a little blood (LOL) so I'm not too concerned. We're to give him the antibiotic for 7 days. He's barely sneezing and when he does it's not been like a full blown sneeze (once or twice) but more like a little snort.

Still no word on my raise. I even talked to my boss on the phone yesterday for quite awhile while we were working on something and she was sharing her screen so we could figure it out. Nothing mentioned. Two weeks past now. Really, how long does it take to make a decision? It's kind of demoralizing, really. It's not making me feel very valued as an employee, that's for sure.

At least it's the weekend. Not good weather wise (maybe tomorrow) but at least no plans and can just take it easy and do my chores when I feel like it.


  1. Loving the new furniture additions!! As for the raise, that is disappointing. You deserve to be valued as an employee, and I definitely think that is why ya'll have had so much turnover in the last couple years.

    1. I can't wait for it to get here and put in my office!

  2. Someone once told me that if you had a sofa sleeper, you need to get a new set of friends with each move. Check the weight on that before ordering or at least before you try to lift it. I like it. Will a cat be hesitant to get in the cat cabinet? I do hope the dog does not have cancer.

    1. I think the weight on it said 100# so we'll have no problem getting it upstairs and I think the end arms are separate pieces so that will make it easier to carry up, too. I don't know about the cat - he's very good about using his litter box so I'm hoping he'll go in the cabinet to use it. Worth a try.

  3. Nice couch!! I would nap on that. :)
    I love the Kitty cabinet. Classy.

    1. There sure are some times in the middle of my work day/lunch time I wish I had a couch to nap on ;)

  4. If your cat sprays at all upward, do t bitter with the cabinet. We got one and even lined the inside with plastic “walls” to try to keep it cleanable and not warped. Unfortunately our cat sprays up too much! The top entry litter boxes are it, ugly as they are!

    1. He has never sprayed up yet, thankfully. Being here in office room I get the "pleasure" of watching him get in his litter box haha. He just squats and goes :)

  5. That should say “don’t bother”

  6. I love that cat litter cabinet! I think completing "the look" at a new home gradually is the best way to go. Not only for budget purposes, but for finding the perfect piece as well.

    1. I had the same thought. Living in the house, thinking about what you need, prefer, functionality etc. before buying is really smart.

    2. It's a good thing I am so slow at deciding what is the right piece haha! That does help the budget ;)
