Thursday, May 26, 2022

Procrastination bites me, as usual

Found out just before bedtime last night that I'm going to loose a few hours of my Friday "prep" for guests time. I figured friends probably wouldn't arrive until later afternoon, if they were putting in a day of driving, but turns out they are spending tonight only about a 4 hour drive from us, so will be here probably by noon or so. My original plans Friday were a trip to the town store for fresh fruits and bagels. Clean house and make cookies. I have to do the store trip and I have to make the peanut butter cookies, LOL. They are dh's friend's favorite. So, I guess I'll be doing most of my cleaning today and this evening. I should be able to get quite a bit done during my lunch hour. I also started work a half hour earlier this morning (I was wide awake early this morning), so can knock off earlier, too. 

Today is also payroll processing day. I did my side job payroll (always quick and easy) first thing and now am working on my regular *fun* payroll. Tons of PTO being taken this payroll because of the holiday weekend. Hopefully it will go smoothly and I can get on with the rest of my work day and not be stressed trying to get payroll done.

I think dh is mowing today. Finally a day of no rain and supposed to get to 80. We may have to turn our a/c on, haha. He washed the car yesterday. So far, there has not been a day we drive it that it hasn't gotten rained on, LOL. Drive's him nuts. He's like can we just get one day to drive it where it doesn't rain and get dirty?

I don't know if it's just coincidence or not, but since I put that new clock/calendar in mom's bedroom, she has not gotten up as often during the night the last 2 nights. Maybe that is helping her see what time it is and that it's still night time, so she doesn't get up. I have noticed the past week or so that a few times she has gotten back up like 2 or 3 hours after she went to bed. She will go out into her kitchen and start opening all the drawers and cupboards like she is looking for something. She will also open the fridge and freezer doors (nothing in the freezer and not much in fridge since she eats downstairs). She will repeat opening 2 or 3 times and then heads back to bed. Wonder what she is looking for? Also, since putting the cameras in I can see that she always takes one of her dining chairs and puts it up against her door at night. I see this morning that last night she put both chairs there. 

As usual, stuck in waiting mode on a payroll question to our advisor. One of the salary employees is showing PTO on 5/16 that she didn't take/didn't request and I can't for the life of me figure out how to remove it. The line is grayed out and won't let me do anything with it.

So, back downstairs for some breakfast and a quick shower while I'm waiting.


  1. You will get it all done!
    Maybe sneak in a nap later today. :)

    1. I'm just glad I found out last night and not tonight that they will be here fairly early on Friday, LOL.

    2. I know you had to reorganize yourself. LoL

    3. I had to not procrastinate what I thought I could still get done on Friday haha! So far I think I'm on schedule

  2. It does not seem you procrastinated as much as they are coming earlier than expected. Maybe your mother knows she should be doing something or remembers there is something she forgot so goes looking for it. I doubt she has anything in mind. Fear ruled my grandmother, too. Hopefully, your friends don't get up early and just come on down! Take a nap.

    1. I was just thinking I had most of the day Friday to finish getting all my cleaning done, run to the store and make a quick batch of cookies. But, not if they are here by noon! I know I'll think I can do all that in like 4 hours, but I won't, so I'm working on some of it today and this evening :)
