Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mom's Day

Around 1pm yesterday dh was ready to do something so he "didn't waste the day", so I said well, let's go to the city then and get flowers. I decided to try Home Depot first. Last year I had gone to Lowe's and got all my annuals, but then needed something I couldn't find there (I think it was the phlox) and went to Home Depot to look and was more impressed with what they had for annuals as far as how they looked, etc. 

It was a bit crowded there. First I wanted 4 big hanging baskets. Since last year (with my boss's tip, haha) I'm just doing pre-made for much of it. I also have always wanted really big and full hanging baskets, but have never wanted to pay what they cost so I always end up getting smaller ones and they still never seem to fill out or hang over very much. I walked down near the main entrance while dh went to look for a cart, as they had a display of large baskets just outside the door. There was maybe half of them left and another lady came up to start looking and grabbed one and then my dh came up with the cart and then decided we need the flat cart instead so off he goes to find one of those. Then that lady's husband pulls up with their cart and she's trying to decide and I'm thinking to myself I need 4 of these! I was worried we were going to be wanting the same ones! and there's some that don't look the greatest and several that are a different color (I was hoping to get them all similar colors) and I grab one and set it on the first shopping cart dh brought and was going to turn around and grab another one that looked good and she had picked it up. That's when I'm like dh hurry up and get that cart here, LOL. Then the lady decided she wanted the ones in the other color about the time dh got back and I grabbed 3 more of what I wanted. I didn't think $30 ea was too bad of price. It seems like last year when I looked at the bigger ones at Lowe's they were like $50, which is why I passed and got the smaller baskets.

Let me just say I hate dh being with me flower shopping. He has no patience. I need to stop and think. Count how many 6 packs of petunias I just got. Think some more to make sure I'm getting enough. Think what else I need. Sometimes just stop and look at labels and see what kind of plant something is. Everytime I'd stop he'd be like what are you doing? At first I couldn't find the 6 packs of petunias. All I could find were the big 4 packs of the "wave petunias" that are $10 each. Too much $. He had the flat cart and I had the regular cart. Rather than try to maneuver these carts around all the plants and people I told dh to just stay put with our carts while I zip around and find them. Then he's annoyed because he has to stand there (and of course in all of this he has to go pee already). I finally find the rack of 6 packs and load up. The last thing I wanted to get (this trip at least, haha) was some daylilies and who knew where those were. I figured they were inside and we'd already been inside one, again getting around people and hoses laying everywhere. That is annoying - trying to get a filled cart pushed over a watering hose. They should just water before the store opens and at closing. Again, I told him to stay put and let me find them first. I found them and knew we wanted quite a few of  the pots of them, so went back out and got him to bring his cart back. We ended up getting like 12 of them. At least these grow back every year and I like them because they bloom all summer. We are going to put a whole bunch out near the front fence where the "rock river" is. I like to flower shop by myself. Spend time wandering around, looking at plants and flowers and learning the names of them. I hate to feel rushed. No fun that way :(

He also grabbed a small lily plant to take over to his mom at the cemetery. There is a high school next to the cemetery and looked busy with cars and school buses. A big region track meet. We spotted our towns bus parked on the street running along the side of the cemetery. Our "retired" friend who lives in town is usually the one driving the bus for the kids sports activities. We hadn't seen him stop by in a few weeks and had figured he'd be stopping for a visit yesterday but he didn't. Well, now we knew why! haha. After we were done at the cemetery we drove over to the bus and pulled up next to the driver's window and it was him. We chatted awhile. Dh said this was funny - we were expecting to see him at our house today and then we see him 55 miles away, haha.

Then we went to Wendy's and got an early dinner and also stopped at Dairy Queen. The line was pretty long so it gave us time to eat our food while waiting in the drive through line.

This morning dh made blueberry muffins and served me breakfast at our kitchen bar, while I texted with my half sister. After my shower I had a nice video chat with my dd.

After lunch I'm going to head into my mom's for a visit and pick up groceries. I was going to make some cookies to take, but it's getting later this morning and I'm just not feeling it, LOL. I'll stop and get her some candy or something at Walgreens.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there.


  1. Happy Mother's day to you! :)

  2. Your hanging baskets are so nice and look really good there. I had watched a Youtube video about how heavy flowering plants need extra fertilizer and Seedlingers was recommended. It's concentrated and one ounce is diluted with 1 gallon of water. I ended up buying 3 quarts so that should last me quite awhile! lol

    1. I usually add Miracle Gro but it really doesn't seem to do much that I can really tell.

  3. I love pink Wave Petunias! I have never shopped with Tommy for flowers. I am always surprised how he lets me shop and does not hurry me. But, I am anxious that I will take too long and he will get antsy. So, the effect is the same on me--hurrying and not taking my time and wanting to look more.

    1. For years and years me going to buy the annual flowers was either just me (or me and dd) and it was always something I looked forward to and was enjoyable to just take my time and walk around and look and pick out. The past few years dh has wanted to go with and I have no idea why because he doesn't enjoy it, LOL.

    2. Very pretty! I love to go flower shopping. I could break the piggy bank in a nursery! In fact, DD has a seasonal job in our local nursery, where she gets a 30% discount. It's family owned, and the owner told her the discount extends to me as well. Apparently, he knows me from all the times I've been in there! I won't be using it much until we move (June, hopefully, if only the rain will stop), so that should help keep the cost low. I like to go alone, but for a different reason from you. If I take my sons, or if my sons go alone, we can expect a minimum of $300 on the card, and two full days of planting.

    3. A 30% discount would be amazing! I was surprised how much my total came to :/

  4. I remember a couple of years back when I went home to England. I obviously didn't have my car with me so my brother offered to drive me into town to do some shopping. I tell ya, he stood at the entrance to EVERY shop with his arms crossed so I got a total of about 30 seconds in every shop! Never again! Oh and your hanging baskets look very pretty, so maybe it was worth annoying your DH!
