Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Ground hog days

Yesterday was payroll processing day again. It actually went really smooth, other than waiting hours for my boss to get out of meetings to answer one question about someone's time off, before I could move on to the next step. Also, no word on my raise either. Frustrating. How long does it take to make a decision, especially after 3 1/2 years of no raise. It's been almost 2 weeks now since I asked for it.

DH mowed again yesterday. It all sure is emerald green right now.  Mr Neighbor was also out mowing so they chatted awhile, mostly about local goings on.  He said the out of state couple that bought a place about a mile down the road last Augus,t to make it into a "yoga retreat", have apparently decided it's not working (What??!! in Montana? where people come to fish and hunt? LOL) and will be putting the place up for sale again. It took the previous owners 3 years to sell it. And when they sold it there wasn't a junk yard next door, which the lot next door to them has now become in the past 6 months. Sad for that. All the residents down in that area are pretty unhappy what happened to that lot. Hence why some covenants are a good thing. Like dh always says: the good thing about living in this county is you can do what you want. The bad thing about living in this county is people can do what they want.

Huh. Just got a work email that someone who physically works in the office has Covid and they wanted to let everyone know of possible exposure, that the office won't be closed, but you can work from home if you want, and a link to cdc guidelines. Well, one of the employees just emailed a reply with a screenshot of cdc guidelines that says get tested if you have had close contact and he asked how do we know if we should get tested because of close contact if we aren't told WHO it is? Right? What if it's someone he hasn't been in close contact with the past 5 days or whatever it is? No sense in him needing to get tested. But according to HIPPA laws they can't say who it is. 

I'm really feeling like every day has become ground hog day with my mom, especially having the cameras now, too. It's even kind of tiring for me. Of course her daily routine is pretty much the same. When she gets back from lunch around 1 she sits in her recliner to rest. Picks up this 2 pages of stapled papers (legal sized papers) and reads them. And re reads them. And re reads them. It's the weekly breakfast/lunch/dinner menu and stapled to it is an "activities update". I'm not even sure if it's a current week! I'm always trying to throw out the old ones I find. She will sit there and look at the menu and then I can tell she is glancing up and looking at her digital clock/calendar to see what it says the date is. Then she looks back down at the paper for a few seconds. Then back up at the clock, then back down at the paper. Repeat all day, every day. One day this week I swear she sat and read that for an hour. I checked in on her a few times and she was still sitting there doing that. I guess it kept her busy and occupied....  Then 6pm is my call to get her to take her meds. I will try to watch her first on the camera to see if she can do it on her own (rarely). Most often when it chimes she will try to answer the phone and then after she hangs it up she stands there not sure what to do. Sometimes she will call me, but usually that's when I just call her. Other times she will push the button and dispense the meds...but then after they are in the cup she seems to not know what to do. She will look at the pills in the cup, count them, or pour them in her hand and count them. Often she will call me and ask "how many pills am I supposed to take now? don't I take some in the morning?" Every evening is the same exact conversation telling her she takes all her 5 pills once a day in the evening now. It's funny that in the morning she never remembers she's supposed to (or was) take pills but in the evenings she remembers about mornings.

Dh took the cat outside with him and the dog this morning. I snapped this picture when I went to take the bag of cat litter poop out to the garbage can LOL. Life is good for the little orange mountain lion!


  1. I'd think conventional wisdom would be if you worked in the office and had closed room meetings, sit near anyone else eat lunch with others, just get tested to be sure. While some aren't feeling any symptoms, even my healthy 21 year old vaccinated daughter had a full day of utter crap. Not debating vaccination here, just suggesting the need to have people not spread if there's a chance they could be a carrier. Lord knows they're not going to voluntarily wear a mask or quarantine through a waiting period, but would hope a positive test result would keep them home.

  2. Wow, that mountain lion. All we get is a confused hedgehog or a squashed cat!

  3. If anyone is not at work, that could be a clue as to tested positive. Maybe not.
    I know it must be tiring to you, but think of the times you cannot remember that she watched over you and how back then, you had no idea what you were doing, either.
    Hopefully, that pretty cat will not catch the eye of an eagle or other bird of prey. He looks like he has discovered how warm the pavement can be.

    1. it's hard to say who is in the office and not, most likely. People still have a hybrid schedule and with a lot of our people being outside sales, they are in and out. I know mom can't help it, but it's making me realize how tiring it is to repeat the same things day after day. I don't know how full time caregivers do it day in and day out. They are amazing people for sure. We only let the cat out when we're outside and he stays pretty close to the dog. That's actually what he was looking over at, that you can't see in the picture, is the dog, LOL

    2. Actually it’s a responsibility of your company to know who’s in and out with regards to Covid and any close contact and they are responsible to notify anyone identified as having that contact (close)(or potential contact which seems it did). Not saying easy but that’s their responsibility. They can’t say who but it can be concluded at times. ( I’m a nurse and when we’d see someone on the schedule out sick for 7, 10 days or whatever was the rule not difficult in that situation). Also those on the contact list should quarantine.

  4. Wouldn't the covid person be found out by process of elimination?
    Your kitty kat is totally Shameless lol ;)

    1. maybe those in the office could figure it out, but quite a few are still doing a hybrid schedule and if it happened to be a salesperson who was maybe in the office one day and out and about the other days, they wouldn't be able to know if they were the person.

    2. oh and yes, kitty is shameless! He lays in dh's window ledge in his den and dh says he lays there like he thinks he's a porn star LOL

  5. Anne Bee 🐝 - Google is still making me Anonymous- sorry about that!
    Before the days of the camera you could leave your mother at the end of a visit, safe in the knowledge that it had been a useful visit with some issues that you could work on next time. Being home and not seeing her gave you a break and when you did think of her - which I know you do a lot - it was perhaps hoping she was downstairs with companions or chatting with the lady across the landing etc.
    The camera has told you that she’s often alone and unsure which is sad for you to see. It also means you’re not getting a mental break from her. X

    1. You are spot on! The good part is she is out of her apartment doing breakfast, lunch and dinner and often 2 activities per day, so she doesn't spend too much time alone, but when she is it does seem lonely, since she just repeats what she's doing.

  6. My work place always informed us of who was diagnosed with with the permission of that person. The infected person also reported on who they had contact with. My kitties also live sitting in the sunshine.
