Thursday, May 19, 2022

Another one not wanting to do their job

Goodness, this situation with moving my mom's IRA to where her investment advisor is now is turning into something. It was all supposed to just be easy peasy. I signed the docusign docs authorizing the new company to transfer the account from the original company over to them. The assistant gal called me yesterday and said they tried to transfer it to their company and got back a "rejection status" saying there is a restriction on the account preventing them from transferring it over, but she doesn't know what and doesn't remember my mom having anything like that on her account. The only thing she could guess is that there is a "vulnerable client" code on it. She said they had one client like that that they just transferred and the code had to be removed by the original company and then the money got transferred. 

So, I called the new office lady at mom's broker and explained we were transferring mom's account to the new company, blah blah. The first thing she did was say she doesn't see that they have POA on mom's account for me (so she could talk to me about her account). I said there has to be, I've had it now for several years, since 2019, and have had no problems taking care of things. She said is it an outside POA or our company POA? I said, both actually. I mailed original assistant my POA and also signed their internal POA for the file. Then she said "oh, here they are, they weren't labeled correctly on her account file". She said "well, was there some kind of code# or letter they got with the rejection notice? I don't see any restrictions on your mom's account, so I don't know what could be causing it". I said I don't think so, but I'll call her back and double check. (there was no code). I call the lady back and tell her there was no code as to why it was rejected, but possibly something to do with my mom now being a "vulnerable" client due to her memory issues. She said no, there's nothing on her account, so there's nothing really I can do." Basically just dismissing me! I started to say something and she then said "well, I can check with our "back office" and see if they can look into why the transfer request rejected, but I'm really busy, so I don't know when I'm going to get to it". I said ok...I understand you are busy, so as soon as you can get to that I'd really appreciate your help with this.

I then called my regular assistant back and told her this assistant will check into it, but at that point she had started giving me attitude so I don't know how long this is going to take. She said ohhhh...that is sooo unacceptable! She said she would also call her, now that I had already talked to her and they have established me attempting to deal with it. Assistant called me back and said she got total attitude too, and the new office lady basically told her it wasn't her job. Assistant told me it 100% IS HER JOB! She said she used to have to do stuff like that for clients who decide to leave, all the time. It's just part of the job.

So, now she is sending me a letter to sign, that will get sent to the manager at that office, that orders them to remove the restriction on my mom's account so the money can be transferred. She said we don't want things to be difficult, nor should you have to keep calling them and deal with them giving you attitude or the run around, so this letter ordering them to transfer the money will take care of it. I hope so, but just a delay of at least another week. You know, if the damn lady would just do her job, probably one click of her mouse, she and her office wouldn't have had to deal with several phone calls and now a letter coming. No wonder she is so busy - she's busy being an asshole to all the clients moving over to investment guys new company!

Mom was totally fine yesterday. We even had quite a bit longer chat than normal when I called to get her to take her pills. When we hung up she had the pills in her hand. As usual I continued to watch via the live camera to make sure she got over to the sink and took them. It was the cutest thing as she was getting up out of the desk chair to walk over to the sink (I can hear through the camera). She said something like ""she's good. I have a good daughter and she puts up with me". LOL. 

Time to get showered and dressed and probably better do makeup today. I have a zoom meeting right after lunch. I'm not sure it's a video meeting, I don't think so, I think it's just so this person can share her screen with my boss and I, but I want to be prepared just in case.

I started watching the new Bosch show last night. My half sister texted me right after dinner with a picture of Bosch on her tv and said LOOK! It's on! haha. I told her I had just discovered that too and would be starting to watch it, too. It's good, though a little different as there are 3 storylines they keep moving between. I think if you just started watching this show and had never watched the previous Bosch show and didn't know the characters, that might be a little bit harder to follow. 

We stream all our tv. For main tv watching we have YouTubeTV. Also have Amazon Prime and Netflix. I tried Paramount+ to watch that Yellowstone 1886 but it constantly froze and skipped and then the talking wouldn't match the words. Just couldn't watch it. Occasionally our other streaming services will buffer for a second, but don't get the talking not matched up w/words. I started watching this new Bosch series that is on "Freevee" (formerly IMBD tv) and right off it buffered and got the talking off. GRRR. I do what I always have to try: stop the recording, rewind just a bit and restart and it matches back up. Fortunately it only did it once or twice during each episode, so it wasn't too annoying.

I'm wondering if increasing our internet service speed would fix this issue that we seem to have with some streaming services? We have been on the lowest priced plan/speed, but it has always been plenty. I have never had any issues with my work connection. The only issue we ever seem to have is some streaming services don't work well. And I'm not convinced it's not the Firestick's issue. I could watch Paramount + on my computer with no issues. No, now that I'm talking myself through this, I think it's probably is the Firestick and not our internet connection. I had upgraded our Firestick, but it's probably been a couple years now. I'll have to keep thinking on this. I don't want to spend another $20 or $30 a month for the higher speed internet if we don't really need it or it's not going to make a difference.


  1. What she said was sweet. So, she does realize she is a pain some

  2. We are dealing with an issue with a company at the moment. It IS so frustrating that people just don't do their jobs and fob it off.

    1. Most of the time they just create more work for themselves and don't even realize it

  3. ( Anne Bee ) Its lovely knowing your mother feels this way. And the fact that she said it to herself privately shows her true feelings.

    Do you think your signal getting weaker may have something to do with more people moving into the area with more and more gadgets requiring internet connection? I don't know an awful lot about these things but our internet is slower in the evening when people are generally home from work and logging on.

    1. It could be, but we're not noticing the issue when we change it to our regular streaming services, like YouTubeTV, so I think it's either these new streaming apps are glitching or the Firestick isn't up to handling them. Also, I can watch on my computer with no problems. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced it's the Firestick, which I looked and I upgraded it 1 1/2 years ago, so it isn't really that old.
