Wednesday, May 18, 2022

tv, new clothes and confusion

Lots of shows I like to watch on now and it's keeping me entertained in the evenings, which is nice. I started watching Grace and Frankie, but then discovered The Lincoln Lawyer and decided to give that a try and finished that up last night. T'Pol mentioned the new Bosch spinoff is on now, so I need to find how to watch that one for sure. I've been waiting for that one. I also still need to watch the latest season of Outlander on Starz. 

I got my new 2 pair of jeans. I ordered the same kind as I got last summer, but a size bigger. I had double checked my original order and the tag on the ones I ordered last summer. Size 6 Short. So, I ordered size 8 Short. They seem shorter than my 6's. I'll have to try on one of the 6's again and compare. But, other than that they fit well and are comfortable to sit in. Not too tight on my waist. Plus they have a bit of a stretch in the fabric, which helps. Probably why my size 6 ones still don't feel quite as tight and uncomfortable as my other jeans I have in size 6. I also received the pj pants I ordered. They are soft and comfy and fit good. But, now I have another dang $10 in Kohl's cash to use, but now there is no free shipping.

Had a "first" with mom last evening. She got back from dinner about 6:20, so she missed her med dispenser's first chiming notification. Then 5 min later when it chimed she was in her bathroom. So, then I called. She seemed confused. Something about morning (but then she's always saying, "oh I thought I took these in the morning". But then I realized she actually thought it was morning. I said no, it's evening time. And then she looked at her clock/calendar and says "it says Tuesday evening" (like that was wrong) and I said that's correct, it's Tuesday evening now. She said well then how is it so light out right now? I said it's a really sunny day and now that it's almost summer it doesn't get dark until like 9pm. She got her pills dispensed, we hung up and I watched her on camera go to her sink and take them. She spent most of the rest of the evening napping in her chair. Hopefully after a nights sleep she will "reset" and be back on schedule for what time of day it is. She hasn't had that happen before, that I know of. I am hoping having the extra clock/calendar in her bedroom will help. I'm sure her little alarm clock on her dresser is most likely the wrong time again.

I am liking my new Walmart 5% cash back card. It helps combat the higher prices some and the 5% is credited as soon as the charge posts, which I can then apply right back towards the credit card balance from the charge. It's also a good way to see what I spend on groceries each month as that is the only thing charged on it (well, unless I decide to order something else from Walmart online, which I haven't done yet/don't do very often)


  1. I find myself ordering more and more from wm. Lately when I compare prices wm is cheapest. A few days ago we decided to bite the bullet and get a couple air conditioners-i can't go through another hot summer like last year. Both units were about 15%-20% cheaper on wm for the exact same thing. Then factor in the 5% cashback and that's a win. I order my chicken and goose food for pickup or delivery to get the 5% back. I have even found a few food items we use cheaper on .com so I have gotten those online rather than instore. I think I have about $80 I'm cashback now, but I'm saving mine for Christmas I think. I like to use any extra money I get from ibotta or cc rewards for my dh's Christmas presents.

    1. Good deal on the a/c units. I should check Walmarts price on having chicken food delivered. The feed store upped their price by 25%.

    2. Walmart went up too, but unless murdochs has it on sale wm is still cheaper for me. I also prefer the 40lb bags over the 50 and murdochs is always out of their 40 lb bag. I used to do wm pickup for it but they are so hit and miss with having it, so just ordering from .com is easier.

    3. I think that's what happened at least once I remember. I tried to order WM chicken feed for pick up and they were out. I wasn't happy to find Murdoch's 50# of the Country Companion brand up 25%. I just looked at WM has 40# bag they will ship for free for around $15. Per pound it's not much savings over what I buy normally, but it's a little cheaper and would save the stop at the feed store to pick up

  2. I'd like to get a WalMart cashback card but have been wondering if applying for the card will effect my credit score. We have excellent credit (have had 3 cards for many years) and always pay them in full each month. We do most of our shopping at WalMart and the 5% cashback would sure be nice. Did applying for that card have any effect on your score? In other news, the Blink cameras (I have 3) came last week and I've gotten a lot of use out of them. You made it sound easy to set them up and you were right. Thanks for the advice!

    1. I haven't noticed any change in my credit score. It may ding you a few points like the first month with a "new" account, but then it goes right back up. Especially if you are paying off in full - you will be increasing your available credit amount, which helps your score go up, too. If you aren't planning on making some major credit purchase in the next couple of months I wouldn't worry about it. Glad the cameras are working out!

    2. Ok, that makes sense. Thanks!

  3. I am glad your jeans are working. When I was a child and since, when I take a nap and wake to half light or even full sun, I think a day has passed. So, I understand her dilemma. I guess when I am older and cannot figure out the time of day, no one will understand this has happened since childhood!

    1. Well, I woke up this morning and until almost noon I thought it was Tuesday! Where'd a whole day go? haha

  4. ( Anne Bee 🐝 ) We have a caravan on the coast, two hour’s drive from home so we drive back and forth, staying over a couple of nights then doing the same at home.
    Every morning before I open my eyes I ask myself - where am I and what day is it?
    If I'm waking up from an afternoon nap I’ve no idea of the time, the day or the place!

    1. That's interesting! I've only had that happen sometimes if I've woken up from a deep sleep in the middle of the night and not sure where I am for a few seconds.

    2. Anne Bee 🐝 I’m a bit older than you.You’ve got it all to look forward to!
