Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Pretty flowers

The anniversary flowers from dh arrived mid afternoon. Very pretty and I really like how she did this arrangement. They are much more bunched together. Usually they are all kind of spread out, so I don't think as pretty as they could be. And I like this shorter style vase.

We talked briefly about going out to dinner, as we usually do, but honestly, neither of us was in the mood to sit at a table with masks on, while we waited for our food, so we had leftovers LOL.

I can't remember if I mentioned but dd and her dh got that hall tree order done and just before the lady came to pick it up she got another order! The lady loved the hall tree and even sent dd a picture of it set up in her home. Then this morning she got another inquiry about having one made. 

I guess there is one more Christmas present dh ordered for me on Amazon. I don't quite understand what his thinking on this is! It never arrived. According to tracking info (FedEx) it only shows that a label was created, it has no tracking that it was ever picked up. I keep telling him then just request the refund! Obviously they never shipped it and have had his money for over a month now. Obviously there was some error on the sellers part and they think they shipped it, but didn't. He says "it says my options are to request a refund or re order" I said well at least request the refund. If you want to reorder, give it a try. Then he says "well, I don't want to get in line again and wait for them to ship it". huh? Whatever.....other than it was the last thing he ordered using his Visa gift card I got him and I know it was $200, so he better get it figured out!

We are going to run into town at lunch today. I need milk and a few things. DH wants to drop the aluminum cans off at the house that recycles them. I also need to cash in my big $5 scratch off tickets, haha. 

The monitor  cables are supposed to come today, which typically means tonight. I'm guessing its a 50/50 chance they are what I need. If they are not I think I will see if Best Buy in the city has what I need and take a long lunch and go get them tomorrow. I'm tired of waiting and trying to work with this tiny 2nd monitor. I also think I figured out what dh will need to use one of these monitors I will have extra now, as a 2nd monitor on his computer.


  1. Your flowers are BEAUTIFUL!
    Enjoy them, they should last a good while:)

    1. that's what I love about carnations, they last good :)

  2. Congrats on your anniversary! Red carations are my sister's favorite too.

  3. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful flower arrangement - just stunning. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you. This is one of the prettiest one's I've gotten for our anniversary :)

  4. The flowers are beautiful, prettier when bunched together and in shorter vase.
