Saturday, January 16, 2021

Preparing and refinancing

With our recent power outage for 6 hours, I was getting together candles in case it lasted after sunset. Thankfully it didn't and thankfully we rarely have power outages, but it got me to thinking. Why don't we just have at least one of those battery powered lantern type things? Safer and brighter than candles, for sure. I used to have a box of emergency candles in my closet. Since we've moved twice, I have no idea what even happened to that box now! Probably still in a bin in the shop, somewhere. I did manage to find about 4 pillar candles and a box of tealights. We do have several flashlights.

So, dh did a bit of quick online research and the Vont lanterns had really good reviews. The battery life lasts about 10 hours and only needs 3 AA batteries. A 4 pack of these LED lanterns is $28. (plus they come with batteries). Done and ordered. 

I got the tracking on my monitor cables. Story of my life, LOL. These shipped 4 days ago........via UPS 2nd day Air. Now there have been no updates on where it is, since the 2nd day. I need these to use my new frustrating.

I'm going to look into refinancing our mortgage. I'm looking at my current lender (the bank sold it to another lender) and they show quite a bit of detail on what they offer and current rates. I've never had a mortgage with "points". Pro's/cons? 

I'm also probably going to contact the lady who did the mortgage on the house we bought in town when we first moved here. She was really good and the only reason I didn't use her for this house is they didn't do construction loans. With the conforming loan limit higher than when we got our mortgage in 2019 and the interest rate quite a bit lower, I can combine the two and get rid of that second mortgage with the bank that is like 6%. 

Our emergency satellite messenger phones arrived yesterday to us and dd. We are still figuring them out, but did manage to send a few test messages to each other. Hopefully we'll never need to use them, but if we ever do we'll be very glad we got them.

We finally got some snow yesterday afternoon. DH shoveled the patio and in front of garage and shop. Then he came in and we had homemade pizza for dinner. Then he went back out and plowed the driveway. Then he came back in and had another piece of pizza, LOL.

It's a 3 day weekend for me. I kind of forgot it was coming up, so I didn't plan ahead to take off yesterday or Tuesday to make it a longer weekend. Oh well, just coming off almost 2 weeks off I'm still good.


  1. Always good to have flashlights, lanterns etc on hand just in case. Would you guys benefit from a backup generator or ? I sent my friend a birthday card in November (already a month late) to Nigeria, it literally has not even been tracked since it left Toronto LOL. I hope he gets it though.

    1. we do have a stand alone generator that can run a few things at a time in an emergency

  2. If I lives in the country I would have a small generator, maybe should think about one for the future here if we ever have to have medical devices. I hope you never need your satellite phones but good that you tested and they work.

    1. yes, we do have a stand alone generator to use if needed. Won't power the whole house, but can run several things on it at once.

  3. I've been thinking I should get a generator too but haven't gotten round to it somehow. The worst power cut we've had so far was 23 hours (but goodness knows that's long enough). Now you've given me an idea to get some Vont lanterns (or something similar). My son gave me a voucher for a local garden centre where I think I might get them. Thanks for the idea!

    1. I think the lanterns will come in handy. I think this 6 hours is the longest we've been without power since moving to this state. One time years ago we were out for like 6 days! The kids and I had to go stay at my parents. DH stayed to keep an eye on everything at home, but he froze!

  4. I always thought paying points on a mortgage gave you a lower interest rate. Back in the day you could deduct the points from your income taxes (although on a refinance I think you used to have to spread the deduction over the life of the mortgage). So I think it's a matter of figuring out your "break even" point on paying points vs. paying a higher interest rate.

    1. that's what I'm understanding too. I'm working on the calculations of it all, now that I understand it better.

  5. Our power used to go out for days, usually from tornado damage that spun off from hurricanes. I finally bought a generator capable of powering the fridge and big freezer, plus a few lamps. It has proven to be the best insurance policy I have ever bought. We have only had service out for less than 24 hours since I prepared for much longer outages.

    1. Smart! We had worse/longer outages in our previous state, due to high wind storms. Weather is a bit mellower here...just snow, haha.

  6. I have two plastic sandwich size boxes. One upstairs and one downstairs. Each containing candles, stands, matches and a torch. Always prepared, never had to use them though. Yet!

    1. that's smart! I had always kept my box of candles on a shelf in my closet for years and years, so I knew right where to go to get it (one story house). Having something on both levels is a good idea.

  7. I bought two Vont lanterns. I wanted Tommy to have a good light and decided I needed one, too. They came in a two-pack and with batteries, too, and are about six inches high. I suspect we bought the same thing.

    1. sounds like same thing. I saw they had 2 pack and 4 packs. I'm kinda excited for them to get here to see how much they light ;)
