Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Just life

I forgot to mention I made homemade eggnog on Sunday. DELICIOUS!!! It's not as strong tasting as store bought, so I haven't really needed to cut it down with milk, though I did for one glass, just to make it last longer, LOL. It tastes good either way. I poured myself a small glass yesterday and asked dh if he wanted a taste test....he drank the whole glass! It was also a great way to use up a bunch of eggs. It was easy to make, the hard part was waiting the recommended 4 hours for it to chill. I used organic whole milk and organic heavy cream. Saturday our retired friend stopped in (I wasn't home) to drop off a couple of egg cartons, so dh gave him another dozen I had extra in the fridge. Dh said I hope that was ok. I said it's great. Now I'm down to a more manageable amount.

The welder guy working on our gate hinges seems to be on the ball. He already called dh at lunch yesterday to talk about it. He works a full time job in the city and it sounds like he was using his lunch break to go pick out the metal for this project. Then he stopped by on his way home to go over some more details with dh.

My work email just keeps crashing and crashing. The IT guy working on it had to boot me off a couple of times for 15-20 minutes so he can try different solutions. Then he finally ended up deleting my whole profile from the server and reinstalled it. This will also apparently affect my web browser saved passwords. I'm going to have to input them all again. Ugh. I sure didn't accomplish much yesterday, but once he reinstalled me everything seems to be working so far so good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I discovered something about dh's telescope. I wear glasses and I'm pretty much blind for seeing distance and I was looking through it at the eagle's nest and then I took my glasses off and looked through it - expecting it to be all blurry and I could see perfectly. I was so surprised. I always thought I had to wear my glasses to use it. I guess it must refract the view enough that it's like having my glasses on?

And I had the most bizarre phone call Sunday afternoon. It showed my mom was calling. When I answered, the manager of where she lives replied and identified herself and then said I have a gentleman who wishes to speak to you, Bud. I'm like ok??.....then this older gentleman gets on and starts rambling on about the phone won't work.  I'm like oh, ok....this is my mom M's phone, is something not working with it? (thinking maybe she asked him to help?) Then he's going on about he got this new phone that he can't get to work and he paid $400 for it and can't get it to work. I'm still like "ok...um...I'm a bit confused...is M there? Then he's like "how have you been?" I just kept going along with him and finally we said goodbye. A minute later I called my mom back and she answered laughing and said are you confused? I said yes! LOL. Apparently she was down on the common area and this guy couldn't get his phone to make a call so my mom said here, you can use mine. So, he pressed my name to dial. Not sure if he knew someone by that name and thought he was chatting with her or what, LOL. 

Monday morning I called the cabinet manufacturer. I explained we had their cabinets installed in our house we built 1.5 years ago and would like to get another cabinet made for our laundry room, but I can't get a hold of our local dealer, so I need to know if there is another dealer or how I can go about getting another cabinet made. She took down my name, number and city/area and said she would have the area rep check into it and either get back to me or have our cabinet lady get back to me. Haven't heard back anything yet on it.

A couple of things I ordered for the house came yesterday. A cute metal art of a bear in the woods. It was hard to decide where to put it. It looked super cute in just about anywhere I tried it, LOL. My original intent was one of the 2 blank walls still in the bear bedroom, but in the end dh had a good idea and we put in on the blank wall that the sliding barn closet door is on. (next to another blank wall, but that section is kind of indented farther in a bit, for the closet). Of course the door is closed 99% of the time but if opening it can't slide into anything and this sits pretty flush against the wall so the door still slides by no problem.

The other item is a small round wood coffee table for the bonus room. We have big dormers on each side of the room and this will go on one side, eventually with 2 club type chairs. It's made by the same company as that entryway table and the wood grain look on the top of it is really similar to the rustic wood dh did on the bar front. I'm still looking for a dining room type table for the other side. Something we can use to do puzzles, etc. Mostly I've been watching Marketplace for something to catch my eye that is cheap.

Another USPS package delayed/in transit. They shipped it to us on 12/23. It has been showing in my informed delivery with this status, 12/27 being the last update. Yesterday it was gone completely. Oh great. These are some snap on tool batteries dh sent in to get them refurbished. If they are lost he'd have to buy new ones. I hadn't written down the tracking#, so I emailed the guy who sent it back and he gave me the tracking#. It's still showing in transit/delayed. I'm praying it gets here at some point. I don't want to have to spend hundred on new batteries! I'm really sick and tired of usps, that's for sure.

We are really getting gypped out of snow this winter, that's for sure. Today it's supposed to rain...rain! In January! LOL. Usually it's in the teens or below zero temps. Oh well. 


  1. That's a funny story about your mom lending that guy her phone. I've had that kind of conversation with one sister thinking it was the other and basically we were all talking at cross purposes. I guess we all sound the same then. And I think we're getting your snow. I stopped in at the sports store this afternoon and bought some Yaktrax for my walking boots - just in time it would seem as it's coming down thick and fast!

    1. It seems everyone is getting our snow! Our friend in Texas got snow the other day LOL. Let me know how those Yaktrax work - I should get some of those for sure.

  2. Have you followed up with the lost package on the USPS site? On their tracking page, there is a tab that is something like "Where is My Package" or something equally obvious. It is super simple to fill out the necessary form. Guessing on questions I wasn't certain of never seemed to be of consequence. I've tried this twice, and within a week, the packages were moving once again. Might be worth a shot. Good luck!

    1. I can't find anything that says "where's my package" I did sign up to get email updates on the status

  3. That is funny about the phone call. I wonder if the guy ever got the person he wanted. And, did he even know what he was doing? Very funny!

    1. I got the impression he thought he was talking to someone he knew, LOL. I'm like ok, as forgetful as my mom is, she isn't that bad, haha.

  4. You must have been very confused talking to the gentleman. I would be too. Poor man. Technology and old(er) people... I will try my best to learn as much as possible as time goes on so that, I would not feel lost like the older generation does. As for your artworks and tables, can we have pictures? I am very curious about the bear room for instance.

    1. I just tried to act like we knew each other and said I'm doing fine, how are you? LOL. Sure, I can put some pics in the next post I do ;)
