Friday, January 15, 2021

Deliveries here and on the way

Two of my three computer issues yesterday were resolved quickly by the IT guy, though it appears one of the fixes is just a patch they keep having to do, so we're probably going to keep having the issue pop up. The other issue took us awhile to figure out, but he/we (cuz I did have some suggestions, LOL) finally got it. It was pretty funny, as he was on my computer doing his stuff, while we were on the phone with each other. I had left my "chat" screen open on one monitor and my boss sent a message saying "it works now? I just got signed in to it". IT guy types in a reply "yes, this awesome guy named M just fixed it". Next line: now he's working on the next problem. Next line: He's a dreamboat.  My boss typed back: yes, you are awesome. Hi M!" haha.

My new monitors arrived in the evening (dang we are back on UPS guy's end of route again) but the separate box of the monitor cables has not arrived yet. I was so hoping that maybe the cables that came with the monitors would plug into the back of my computer, but of course not. Wouldn't you think a Dell monitor should be made to plug into a Dell computer?! I am really hoping the cables my boss was told I would need are really the right ones. And I'm hoping they show up today. Tracking said it was out for delivery yesterday, but now it's not showing updated. 

Speaking of delayed deliveries those refurbished batteries dh has been waiting to get back since before Christmas finally updated on usps and they are getting closer. I'm guessing they will show up tomorrow or Monday.

I guess there is also one more Christmas gift dh ordered for me that has never shown up. It is supposed to come FedEx and a couple weeks ago he said tracking showed it was out for delivery but never showed up. Every time he checks it just says in transit. This was ordered/shipped like a week or so before Christmas. He ordered it through his Amazon account and yesterday when he checked on it again, his account had a message with it that if it doesn't show up in 2 more days he can just request a refund.

Back to the monitors...they are going to be so nice! They are really wide screens, 23" monitors.  I still need to get dh's computer figured out on how to add a second monitor. It appears he only has standard usb ports. I think I keep hoping some little elf will say "here's what you need!" LOL.

It's payday and the start of my new plan to get the small second mortgage paid off in 5 years or less. I also upped my 401k contribution a bit.

DH got the 4 cabinets for his shop put together. Now he's just waiting on the hanging kit we ordered with it. I emailed the company and they said that is shipped by a different supplier and isn't scheduled to go out until the end of next week, so I guess we're waiting awhile longer.

Still no call from the cabinet lady or her area rep on why they can't get back to me so I can order a dang cabinet! What in the hell.....?! Guess they have so much business they just don't care. Must be nice. I will call the manufacturer back again, on Monday. If I still can't get a reply then I guess I go to some other cabinet store in our area and see what they can do to get something as close as possible to what we have in the laundry room to match the style and color. Geez! Maybe I'll call today.....just thinking about it is making me snippy and crabby. 

Weird - I have my electric bill set up for auto pay on the 14th, it's not showing as paid yet.

I follow on Facebook a couple of home decor pages. DD follows one of them, too. We sometimes laugh over how a poster will ask for some advice and flat out say something like "I can't paint the cabinets, this is a rental home" and half the people commenting will say "paint the cabinets".  (Readers are leaders...). Anyhow, yesterday I posted a pic of my loft area and said I'm working on furnishing and decorating this small loft area - should I get a second chair and if so, a matching chair? 80% of the replies didn't even have anything to do with whether I should get a second chair LOL. Several told me to get different furniture, haha. One told me to get a sectional ( a small loft area). I replied back sorry - I just literally got these 3 pieces of furniture and I'm not buying something new. 

People are funny.


  1. Sometimes, none of the comments are about what I asked. It is funny but not a worry. Hopefully, all your orders will arrive! I get a bit snippy when something does not show up.

    1. it is funny to realize how people don't read. I probably do the same thing, LOL.

  2. Have you looked at refinancing? The conventional loan limit went up for 2021 and rates are probably lower than when you did your mortgage. Call your mortgage person.

    1. I was just thinking on that yesterday! I see mortgage rates are down plus I just got an update my credit score is like 752. I should check into it.

  3. Yes I have two kids who just refinanced and they just bought a couple of years ago. Their equity went up considerably with regular housing cost going up and their home improvements that they could drop their PMI also. Rates were great.

    1. I'm going to get a hold of the lady that we financed our first house we bought when we moved here. She was awesome and the only reason I didn't use her for this house is because they didn't do construction loans.
