Monday, January 4, 2021

More decor

We had a nice day yesterday. Our "retired" friend stopped by for his monthly visit, in the morning, and stayed an hour and a half or so. We always enjoy his visits and I was able to send some eggs with him, which he likes. He texted dh last night that he made a 4 egg omelet for his dinner and it was delicious. He keeps so busy! It doesn't seem like he and his wife hardly ever spend time together. We've only met her once in 4 years! Both of them are in their 70's and it seems he does his things and she does hers. Half the time they even travel separate to visit their daughter.

Then after lunch we drove over to the big gift shop to look at pictures/artwork. They have a whole section of artwork, all wildlife or nature scenes. DH thought something with a bald eagle would look good, and we lucked out and found something we both really liked and in the size we needed. We also picked up a smaller, not very expensive wood type art with a buffalo on it. Then we went across the street to the big antique shop. I wanted to see if they had an old wooden duck decoy. She had 3 but they were in really rough shape, so I passed. I saw a few on Ebay I liked, so will probably just order one from there.

It all just feels so much more finished now. And strangely, with it now "furnished" the entryway actually seems bigger, but that's also probably because there is a big mirror on the opposite wall. These 3 items on the table most likely won't stay there, I took them from other areas in the house and want to put them back, LOL. 

First thing I did this morning was check mom's bank account to make sure her apartment deducted for her rent. Nope. I had emailed with the mgr several times over the period of an hour back in the beginning of December. She emailed me a form to fill out. I emailed it back. I emailed her again this morning and she emailed right back, saying she didn't get the email with the form.....ya right....she's gotten every other, she said they'd need a check again for this month. so in order to not confuse my mom anymore than she already is, I just took one of her checks I have here and put it in the mail this morning. Plus, there was an email sent by the mgr to everyone yesterday that several people in contact with their facility have gotten Covid, so for the time being everyone has to stay inside their apartments. Ugh.

I also emailed her retirement account manager, this morning, to make sure she has received the form and voided check we sent on the 26th, to change her banking EFT. Hopefully it was just that she had time off last week and didn't get to it yet and it will get done today.

I'm also going to try to call the cabinet lady in about an hour. I'm sure I'll just get her voicemail, but if she doesn't call me in a couple of days, I'm calling the cabinet mfg'r to see what I can do to get another cabinet.

And my work email keeps shutting down and restarting this morning. Welcome to 2021! LOL.


  1. I like the picture and decoy. It would be great if you could get a picture that you all took for the wall. That switch where it is would make me nuts! Who thought of that? Usually switches are near a door facing, not just out in the middle of the wall. I would make the builder change that out.

    1. isn't that switch annoying! I think we are all to blame on that one. I kind of remember the electricians and me and dh standing there and they were discussing the future switch they were wiring for when we have the gate and want to open and close it from the foyer. I don't think we/me were thinking about decor around it :(

  2. Nice artwork. I like the way it looks and how it blends with the background and the surrounding items. You have a very good taste in decorating. You also do not rush and think thoroughly. Good job!

    1. Thanks! sometimes I drive myself nuts with how long I take, but I'm usually happier with it if I think on it awhile.

  3. Looks very nice. Any way you paint that switchplate & switches the same color as your wall? Wouldn't stand out as much. Just a thought.

    1. thank you,that's what I'm thinking to try, at least. They are paintable, I'm sure. DH also mentioned having them moved, so we may end up doing that when we have the electricians out here to set up the wiring for the gate.
