Wednesday, January 13, 2021

I can't think of a title today

Every day is computer issues in one form or another. My email finally was fixed and stopped crashing and then yesterday I could not print, save as pdf or email through our accounting program.  That was really annoying is I use the pdf and email functions with it all day long. I didn't contact IT right away because I had to get payroll done first. Then the IT guy called me and got it working again and we did a test email and pdf. Right after we hung up I went to send a real email with it and got the error message again. I sent him an email back. While waiting for him to call it suddenly started working again, just as he called me back. He joked "if you miss talking to me that much, all's you have to do is call" LOL.

Then I get up this morning bright and cheery (really!) and just as I'm turning on my coffee maker the power goes out. Really? C'mon!! Thankfully it only lasted about 5 minutes and came back on. But about 15 minutes later we started getting a huge wind storm that hasn't let up much so far.  

The overhead cabinets we ordered for the shop are supposed to arrive today. Good, give dh something new to work on. I guess he did work a bit in the shop yesterday getting to a few more bins and said he actually threw away a few things, miracle of miracles.

In my last post T'Pol asked to see some pictures of my new decor/artwork/furniture. This is the metal art we put in the "bear bedroom" and the new vintage wood duck decoy I got from Ebay

The wall to the right of the bear still needs something on it and I'm still looking.

She's a cutie duck, I like how her head is turned. Most are looking straight ahead. I have 3 ducks in my "collection" now.

This is the little round coffee table I got for the bonus room. The wood grain reminded me of the bar wood dh used.

I want to get a berber type carpet for the rest of the flooring in the bonus room. I'm estimating, with installation, it's going to cost around $2000, so that is still down the road a bit. First we have a gate to finish and (maybe?) a laundry room cabinet to order. I've yet to get a call from the area rep or the cabinet lady.

Still so much to do/get it sometimes seems a bit overwhelming, but I just keep plugging away at it, while trying to find it as frugally as possible. I guess that bar couldn't have been more frugal! It's all from lumber from our trees cut down and leftover stain.  

A bit later this morning I'm going to call my mom and hopefully get her to update her checking register without too much back and forth. Her SS deposited this morning......or maybe I will just wait a few more days - then her cell phone and internet bills will be posted and I can kill 3 birds with one stone.

Whew, all of a sudden this morning I feel really tired. I usually don't get the sleepies until mid afternoon. Ugh. Too much work to do to need this now.


  1. Here in Western Washington there are widespread power outages. The wind was pretty fierce last night, and we also had thunder and lightning. It's let up a bit, so now the cleanup begins. I am so glad we insisted on a stand by generator in this place!

    1. our power ended being out about 6 hours today. We do have a generator we can use, if need be, to at least run a few things.

  2. I love your decorating style and it must go so well with where you live!

    1. thank you! It does fit in with the mountains, wildlife, and scenery around here, that's for sure

  3. The flat "picture" fits well by the barn door. And, I just love the little duck. Do you have a whole house generator? I would get that before any carpet.

    1. We just have a standalone generator, not a whole house generator. We had original had some plans to put in a whole house generator but when we talked to our neighbors to ask if they had one, they said no, in the 11 years they lived here they rarely had power go out and never for too long. Then our house went so over budget due by our builder, that we had to scrap that plan.

    2. One,
      That is good. I worry with a freezer full of food what we would do if the electricity went off. At my house I have a gas grill, a firepit, and some little one-fire burners, disposable. Here, nothing. I was going to insist on getting a grill this fall when they went on sale, but I was dealing with an abscess then.

  4. Thank you for the pictures you shared. That duck and the table she sits on are lovely. I think metal wildlife artwork goes really well with wood. It is not only frugal but, also very sensible of you to take your time to decide on decor.

    1. thank you :) The metal bear art was less than $20 so I thought that was pretty reasonable.

  5. ...has furniture that reminded me of you.

    1. They have a lot of neat stuff! A lot of it is beyond my price range, but I sure do love that style.

    2. I thought it might give your husband ideas or maybe you could get someone to make it for you. I figured it would be too expensive.

    3. He has told me he really doesn't like making furniture type things, as he's not good at it/finish type work. He likes building outdoor stuff, haha. That wood worker guy who built several items for us isn't making stuff anymore it sounds like, so maybe someday we'll come across someone else who does.

  6. I love the doors and the all wood, really lovely! I must say your post title is how I often feel when writing a post lol!

    1. thank you! usually I can at least think of something to title it, even if it's not very creative, but I had nothing yesterday, LOL.
