Saturday, January 2, 2021

Only 2 more days left

The monster Christmas tree was un-decorated and put away yesterday. Whew! We actually got it all back in the box! It's in 5 sections. I learned a few tricks to make decorating and un-decorating easier next year. To take off the ornaments, where I needed to be up on the ladder, I took an empty box up with me and filled it with the balls and ornaments. Then I wasn't going up and down. When I put the ornaments on I took like 3 up at a time. Up and down, up and down. Next year I'll fill a box up to take up the ladder. We took it all apart and layed the sections in the loft upstairs. I proceeded to "de-fluff" the branches. That was ok for the top 3 sections but it would have been much easier to leave the bottom 2 sections up and squish all the branches back together that way. But we did it!

I tried calling my mom yesterday morning about 10:30 and no answer so her phone ringer didn't get fixed. She called me about an hour later. She had forgotten her phone ringer wasn't working and she didn't go downstairs like I told her to do yesterday to have the lady at front desk fix it. So, I tried again to help her over the phone, but no luck. I told her the lady at the front desk should be able to fix it easily, so she did go down and sure enough it was fixed in a matter of minutes.

One of my gifts from dd was a little desk heated coffee mug warmer. Very handy! Now while I'm sitting here in the morning working or blogging, my coffee stays warm until I finish it. 

DD got her new hall tree done (except for crates under) and it turned out great and cost $80. Yesterday someone in her area posted the exact same one for sale for $250.

Two more days of vacation left. Booo. We watched another movie last night. Seabiscuit. It started out really choppy in the storyline, but then it got better and we liked it.

Today I need to vacuum - there are little tree branch pieces here and there, as well as a little of the flocking that fell on the floor from the white tree. 


  1. That is exactly how my mom and I wrapped up the tree this year - doing the decorations box by box, much easier. She said "How come I haven't thought of this before?!" Our tree isn't as big, and it's outside waiting to get picked up by the city.

    I have just the weekend, then back to work Monday - I anticipate madness :/! But you have all the time to take off this year, so you will definitely have more long weekends. Glad the phone got sorted out, my mom got a new phone and is learning things that she should have known from before with the old phone LOL

    1. I need to be reminded I have lots of days to take off...and actually take them!

    2. I am from Trinidad, it's like I am hard wired for long weekends L O L. And Canada doesn't have too many. Every long weekend this year, you need to make it even longer by a day, then add on a day when you bring your mom home too! Your first one is MLK day this month? Or is that dependent on the state?

    3. We are usually closed MLK day. Good plan and definitely need to add a day after I take my mom back. and definitely some long weekends just to myself.

  2. I'm packing up my decorations today, and work on decluttering some areas.

  3. I was back last week, so have enjoyed the long weekend. I'm leaving outside lights on for a few more weeks minimally. January is too long and dark.

  4. Ornaments are off the tree. The whole tree needs to be squished so it will go back into the long, incredibly skinny box. The wreath is down, so little is left, just small things that need to be put in the red storage box. I have boxes and boxes in my storage unit, so I have bought little for here. It is going to be and easy storage chore.
