Saturday, January 30, 2021

Pedal power

 My sweet bike arrived yesterday and dh got it put together. It's adorable!

I took it for a spin a couple of times. It's been so long since I rode a bike, I can't remember when it last was. DH said it was missing a couple of bolts, but thankfully he had some.

My mom didn't have any side effects from the vaccine, so I'm really relieved about that. Hopefully her place can get back to doing activities at eating in the dining room again, soon.

I have to run into the city and pick up some chicken feed and bedding at the feed store and then my Walmart grocery order.

I hit the nail on the head regarding our neighbors son and family moving over here. Yep, they want to build a house, so you know what that means - a year living with mom and dad, most likely. The good part is the land they want to buy is like 90 miles away. Mr. Neighbors son sent dh an email asking if he had any builder/contractor recommendations.....I told dh well don't recommend our builder - we don't want them living next door for a year and a half! HA! I guess Mr. and Mrs Neighbor drove down today to look at the property they are interested in, to go look at it for them. 40 acres....and 40 acres where they are looking is like half a million dollars......gee - do military guys make that much?!!

I went and picked up my feed store order, then got to Walmart about 5 minutes before the hour. Typically they text me 5-10 minutes before the hour that my order is ready. I sat there and sat there, waiting for a text. 20 minutes goes by. I kept checking my emails too as they usually text and email. Nothing. Then I opened the app and it said my order was ready/check in. About 5 minutes later they brought it out. 20 minutes later I get a text that my order is ready to be picked up LOL.

The driveway entryway gate is getting installed today. It's a 3 man job, they are so heavy, as it's like a timber frame gate. DH seemed to pick the right guy for this job as he's gotten it all done pretty quickly.

I got a full load of groceries and still don't feel like I have anything good to eat. 

I got an email yesterday afternoon that my mortgage refinance loan is now in the underwriting stage.

Since nothing sounds good to eat. I think I'll make some tapioca pudding, since I have a bunch of milk on hand now.


  1. your bike is adorable. how do you find the seat??? my brother built me a bike last summer (he found it in his building's garbage room) but the seat is soooo uncomfortable.

    1. It seemed pretty comfortable, but I didn't sit on it for too long. I think the wide seat is good. Years ago we got some 10speed bikes given to us and the seats were so uncomfortable.

  2. Pretty bike! It is all pale enough that you can be seen if you get it on the road. I would not put the recommendation in writing. I would tell him. If they are going to be there for a long time, you sort of have the right to ask for relief from the dogs. I hate to have plenty of food and nothing good to eat. I would certainly give the gate guy all the work I had that he can do.

    1. I probably will only be riding it on our small private road and driveway. The main road, while not alot of traffic, is a 2 lane highway with no shoulder. But, it will be a good little ride down to where our mailbox is.

  3. It looks a lot like my Penny who is chilling until spring in the garage. Enjoy!
