We have this employee who has been with us quite awhile now. Maybe close to 10 years. I do not think he has ever NOT had a garnishment on his wages, sometimes 2! The latest notice we just got for another garnishment is for the power company.What in the world?! He makes $120k a year plus he gets $9000 auto allowance per year. His wife works and is an RN, so she has to make pretty decent money (especially in the metro area they live/work in). Just stupid. I'd be completely embarrassed to constantly have my employer being notified of garnishments all the time. Between the 2 of them they probably make at least $200k a year. They have a nice house, from their Facebook pages, they take nice vacation (you know, just like everyone, their life looks peachy perfect, LOL). How do you earn $16k (combined) a month and not pay your electric bill? a regular monthly bill you know you are going to have to budget for each month. Good grief. I could easily see maybe having a couple/few years having some problems, but this has been going on for 10 years now. What a stressful way to live for so long.
I'm out of eggnog (non alcohol kind, of course) and craving it! I guess I'll have to learn how to make it from scratch. I have enough eggs! DH saw all the eggs cartons in the fridge, even after I gave friend 1.5 dozen on Sunday, so he said let's have scrambled eggs for dinner. Good, easy, and used up some eggs.
It's pretty out today. A little snow, a little foggy, a little sun. Makes for pretty colors.
Yesterday I see my mom's investment account lady got her new bank account set up and the money I requested be transferred to her new checking done. I still want to get a PIN# for the account so I can just do the transfers myself, rather than having to contact/wait for them to do it. If I had the pin# I could have had it transferred last week, when I wanted it there. Apparently my mom was sent a pin# a couple years ago, but who knows what happened to it (probably step brother kept it). In order to get a new pin# she has to call their 800 phone number and request it. I tried, but they said it had to be her, even though I'm authorized on the account. So, I'll have to do it next time I can be at her apartment and call for her and have her talk to them.
I just called my mom to tell her to update her check register for the deposit. I have a feeling she must have been napping in her chair as it took her a few rings to answer and then she just acted like "ok, I'll update that".......which we all know she will forget and I'll be talking with her again about it.
And of course, no return call from the cabinet lady from the voicemail I left her earlier this week. Just sooo ridiculous. I don't even know how she stays in business, if that is her normal MO. Boy, if that's all you have to do to have a nice business and make money, sign me up, LOL.
Since we ended up getting that first lawn mower maint. kit, dh is just going to keep the 2nd one on the way when it gets here. He can just use it next fall/winter, when he does the next maintenance on it. I do need to check to see if I ever got credited for it and if so, make sure they re-charge me, since I did get it.
I really need some new jeans. The ones I love and were just inexpensive Lee jeans I got from Walmart a few years ago are apparently not being made in that style anymore. I tried buying the new equivalent several months ago, but do not like them. They do not fit soft and comfortable. So, I keep wearing these old jeans, with paint stain on them, LOL. I don't like jeans that dig into my waist, but I also don't like other one comfy old pair (different brand that I've had for years) I have that are too big, so slip down when I'm walking around. I should see if I can find another pair in this other brand (Calvin Klein) in the next smaller size. I have several pair of "nice" jeans that I wear when necessary (ie public or company coming, haha) but they are not comfortable at all.
I goofed and thought I ordered this broken lamp from a lamp online store, (the bird lamp was from there) but the broken lamp was through Amazon. So, I reported it broken and requested a replacement. I do have to send back the broken one, so it is now boxed up and shipping label on it, and we can give it to the UPS guy next time he is here.
I haven't been doing any MTurks for extra income the past 2-3 months. I just got too busy with jobs and then I got those 2 nice bonus's, so I decided to take a break for awhile. I may give it a try again next month. This month is still too busy, getting the books ready for year end to go to the CPA's.