Sunday, December 1, 2019

Weekend wrap up

DD had a really good visit with my mom. She said she was doing well. Of course had a few things they had to repeat, but that's the norm with her now. DD did discover she had forgotten to take several of her evening (cholesterol) pills during the week, but apparently got all the morning one's taken (most important). Still very concerning, as obviously a normal cognizant person would see there are past days evening pills still left in the pill box when taking the next day's dose.

She loved the digital calendar/clock, so we are hoping this is another memory trigger to take her pills. When I am there in 2 weeks we will set up the alarm system to remind her when it's time and see how that goes while I'm there. Mom called me early evening yesterday and thanked me for the digital calendar. Said she thinks it's great and really appreciates it. She sounded really happy and doing well.

DH and I decided to go to Lowes and get the garland I wanted and he also wanted 2 big candy canes that were at Home Depot. Well.........much $ later we finally got out of the city, LOL. He needed a few screws and bolts, as the fireplace log holder I bought through Amazon was missing all the screws (grrr!). As we were standing there I turned around and saw this 4 piece set of 2 artificial trees in pots, garland and a wreath on Black Friday sale for $49. I couldn't resist, especially at that price. Next summer DH is going to put some more plug ins near the front door, so I can put them outside next  Christmas, but for now I put them here. You can't seen in photo but they also have pincecones and red berries mixed it. Very cute.

 I put the garland and wreath on the fireplace. We also picked up some pointsettia plants that were on sale $4 each.
DH ended up getting 4 of the big candy canes (LOL). We were in the city early afternoon and it was really quiet there for a Saturday afternoon/Thanksgiving weekend shopping. Lots of parking places at Lowes and Home Depot and the traffic was light. It was nice, for a change. After we got home and put up our new decorations we then just relaxed the rest of the afternoon and evening. DH had stopped at Wendys on the way home so he just had a salad for dinner. We watched a couple of movies on tv. Elf (gotta watch that every Christmas, LOL) and Tin Cup.

I just worked on trimming our older lab's nails. I hate doing it and he doesn't really enjoy it much either. His nails are sooo thick. It's hard to even cut through them with the nail trimmers I have. Maybe there are better kinds to buy. I also have a nail grinder, but he really hates the noise of that. I usually try to cut what I can and then grind a little more off, but by then he's usually done with me. I wish there was an easier way to cut them down.

It's been a nice long weekend. I'm not ready for Monday, though. How about you?


  1. Glad to hear that your mom is doing well. Do you think a second phone call in the evening to remind her to take her evening pill will be helpful?

    Your house is looking very festive with the added decorations. I usually wait until closer to Christmas to decorate. Some years, I don't decorate at all!

    No, I'm not ready for Monday, as my daughter goes back on Monday! But, she'll be back home for Christmas, so, it's not too bad. :)

    1. DH isn't putting up lights this year. He really needs a 12ft ladder to do it and we don't have one yet. (and the ones we looked at were like $400!). I like to put up after Thanksgiving so I have the next month to enjoy the decorations. Figure if I'm going to spend all that time getting it all out, I'll enjoy it as long as possible, LOL.

  2. When I put in outdoor plugs, I put a light switch inside so I could control the outlet from inside. It looks great. I am glad your mother is doing okay.

    1. that's a great idea on the light switch inside!

  3. I am decidedly NOT ready for the weekend to end. This morning, I decided that we needed to grill some steaks to mark the end of the Thanksgiving leftovers, so I headed down to the local grocery store to pick some up. While there, I saw several flurries, and I got my hopes up. Oh, how I want a snow day before Christmas! But, those flurries were it. We told youngest to get going on his snow dance.

    1. We had steaks for dinner last night, too. We haven't received any more snow, but what's there sure isn't melting with under 30 degree temps, haha.
