Tuesday, December 3, 2019

This, that and the other

I had given DD a $50 JC Penney gift card for her birthday last month. Wow, did she do well finding deals there on Sunday online shopping. She had been eyeing a pair of boots that were regularly $60 on sale for $20. When she got home from their weekend at in-laws, she got online to order them. They were now down to $15. Plus she found another pair of boots she liked, reg. $80 for $15. And she got a 2 pack of bras for $15 and undies for like $10. She spent a little over the $50 but I think she did really well to get all that. I'll have to start checking out JCP once in awhile, I usually always just look at Kohl's.

So, my mom had a bit of trouble trying to drive over to see BF at his new care place, on Sunday. Oh geez! Of course, she thought she knew how to get there. I don't think he's too far from her, in the same general area. But, she realized she didn't know how to get there, so she said she saw a fire station and stopped in there to ask how to get back to her street/place and she just drove back to her place. I guess BF was mad and chastising her about it. But, apparently it all didn't throw her off kilter, because when I talked to her Sunday (around 6pm) she was fine and not stressed about it (other than I could tell she was annoyed how BF reacted). I told her that it was smart she stopped at the fire station, but she really shouldn't drive somewhere she's not familiar with. She's only been there 2 times and others drove. She said she had looked it up on the computer to make sure she remembered how to get there, but said she should have printed it out. I was kind of surprised she even knew how to look it up, haha. She said she was going to try again on Monday, but take the directions with her. I called her about 1pm yesterday and she was at BF's having lunch with him and his caretaker. Apparently BF had the caretakers husband drive over to mom's place (as I said I'm guessing it's not more than a few miles between them) and she followed him over there. So, that was good. She called me back when she got home (she's been good about remembering to call me back, if she's busy when I call) She said she made it home, no problem.

Woke up to almost 40 degrees this morning. What a change. It's supposed to be in the mid 40's all week and just above freezing at night. I had to take some things to our mailbox for outgoing this morning and it was nice not to be so cold. Last night DH stepped out on the back patio to let the dogs out and called me out. We stood there a minute listening to some coyotes, that didn't sound too far off.

The last of my Christmas decor is arriving today. Just some "swag" I ordered to hang on the two old wooden sleds (we bought off Craigslist last year). They were $10 ea, which was about the cheapest I could find
I'm going to be really watching after Christmas clearance sales on artificial Christmas trees....looking for a 10-12 foot one. We saw a 12 ft one at Lowe's on Saturday we really liked...only $525 on sale, LOL. I googled it. Found a very similar one (actually more lights and more tips) at Home Depot, for like $440, sale price. We need other stuff for the house before we need a $400 tree, LOL.

And last but not least. I've had my fill of turkey sandwiches :)


  1. I have never had too much turkey in any form. Trees are on sale before Christmas at Lowe's and Walmart. I would hate to hear coyotes around my place. I heard them across the street from me, and it was in the city. I did not go out at night until I got over the scare.

    1. I think the coyotes are as as scared of us as we are of them. We have never actually seen any, just hear them from time to time.

  2. Oh I would love to hear coyotes howl!! It's such a different world we live in isn't it. I've got the cowbells and you've got the coyotes!

  3. Yay for gift cards! :) Our tree is being bought this week or early next week, as my mom has been making curtains for her friend!

    1. maybe one of these years we'll get a real tree, again. We used to but stopped years ago as we realized they made us have sinus problems all Christmas season.

    2. My mom loves the smell, funnily enough! I just find the pine needles messy. You have tons of the real stuff outside for the gorgeous view!

    3. I like the smell, just seemed that every year we were getting colds and sick and after we switched to a fake tree we didn't. Yes, we have lots of trees right outside our windows :)

  4. I was able to get our 12ft tree at Lowes 2 years ago right after the holidays for $85! Definitely keep an eye out after the holidays, they dwindle quick, and I lucked out with them having nonstock in the back of the store. Brand new in box, with LED lights.
