Sunday, December 22, 2019

Busy time of year

Yesterday was kind of busy and fun. I made a double batch of dog treats and it's a good thing. After they were done baking DH and I took 4 of the bags of dog treats over to our next door neighbors. Mr was not home, as he as out playing Santa for the Lion's Club. We chatted with Mrs quite awhile in her foyer. The new dog is doing better and the little bit they used the bark collar a few days ago he figured out right quick what the deal was. While we were there (and you can imagine how it could be chaos with 4 big dogs and company show up) all the dogs were really good and calm (after they said hello). The new dog is very sweet and she said it also helped that they had him neutered.

Then we went back home and had lunch and then I walked down the street to the other neighbors to deliver a bag of dog treats for their brand new puppy. OMG. Puppies are too cute, LOL. They were all outside when I got down there, so we just stood outside for awhile visiting. I also took a little bag of chocolate chip cookies DH had made. Their little 2 1/2 year old enjoyed a cookie, once he got over his shyness, LOL.

After I got back home DH and I were just relaxing in the living room and realized someone had pulled in and was coming up to the door. It was the couple who live about a mile down the road. They stopped by to drop off homemade Kahlua and cookies. Yum! They hadn't seen our house inside yet and both said it was so nice and she said a couple of times how beautiful my Christmas decorations were. I know they have 2 dogs, so I gave her one of my bags of  dog treats. That was really nice of them to stop by and drop off goodies. I don't know what kind the cookies were but they are super delicious. Really flat and chewy.

The weather has been unusual. 50 degrees and same again today. A little colder starting tomorrow but no snow in the forecast, which is good for DD, SIL and mom to get over here. I think DH is going to wash our car today, LOL. It's so dirty.

DH gave me one of his Christmas gifts early. He couldn't wrap it and figured I'd want it out for our overnight guests coming. A blanket ladder for the room with the log bed. Woodworker guy made it (of course LOL).

And once the holiday (or maybe I'll leave it out all winter) are over I can add my newest blanket to it. Some friends sent us this blanket as a Christmas gift. I love it. Fits right in with our decor

Today, and probably tomorrow I'm just going to be cleaning. I need to rewash the bedding in the "bear" bedroom, as the dogs sleep on it and even pull the covers back, and sleep on the sheets LOL. Plus I bought new sheets for that bed, so they are ready to be put on. I'm just going to shut the guest bedroom doors after I get them cleaned and ready for my overnight guests.

DD won't be here until at least mid afternoon on Christmas Eve, so while waiting I think I'll make some Christmas sugar cookies and also a pumpkin pie. For dinner that night I'm thinking either spaghetti or a hashbrown/cheese/bacon casserole.

Let the cleaning palooza begin..........


  1. You are so good to your dogs. I've decided when these two of mine go, I'm sticking to cats. I'll keep these guys as comfortable and happy as I can, but that's it. I like dogs, but I can't have any more.

    1. We keep saying when these dogs are gone we won't get more. We'll see, haha.

  2. Puppies are cute aren't they - better not get suckered in to getting another one though eh!

  3. Your cookies are certainly a hit. They are edible for humans, right? I am glad the collar is working for the barker.

    1. yes, they are edible, but I'm guessing probably taste bland to a human, with no sugar. It's just pumpkin, peanut butter, eggs, whole wheat flour and a little cinnamon.

  4. Sounds like you are ready for the holidays! Lots of baking and visiting! Love the blanket ladder!

    1. We got more cookies yesterday from our next door neighobrs. and I'm planning to make sugar cookies today.
