Saturday, December 21, 2019

Major TGIF

Goodness, what a computer crazy day and a half I had. Wednesday afternoon I get on the phone with one of our IT guys to fix a problem with the computer I log into at the office. He thinks I have a virus and needs to work on it, so I can't work the rest of the afternoon, other than answer a few emails.

Thursday morning I wait about an hour and a half and email him for a status update, because he also said if it was going to be too long they'd figure out a temporary way for me to get signed in and working. I got stuff to do! Even my boss messaged him it's urgent. Then he emailed back that it was not a virus (yay!) and he thinks he fixed it, so I can log back in now. Only I couldn't log in. I tried like 10 times and finally emailed him back. He called and remoted into my computer at home and of course it worked then, LOL. He joked that I pretended to have troubles so I could talk to him again. i said, I missed you. I only have dogs to talk to during the day, LOL. Finally, I was back to working, trying to get caught up. About an hour later my home internet went down. OMG! Can I just get a break? I wasn't sure if it was something wrong with my home wi-fi or if the phone company internet went down. Their Facebook and website page never gives any updates, if they have a system problem. I tried to reset our modem. I tried to call the phone company several times and kept getting a busy signal, so I figured it must be on their end. Then I used my phone to access their website and do an online chat and they said it was down and they didn't know how long it would be. Ugh.

Then I remembered I could do a "hotspot" with my phone and use that to access internet, so I did that and was able to keep working. Whew. Surprisingly it wasn't slow, worked fine. I probably had to do that for almost 2 hours and our internet finally came back on. Of course, it's the end of the world for DH if he can't use his computer. When I told him it was an outage all over and not sure how long (I figured it wouldn't be too long) he says "well, how about if we go do our grocery shopping now?" might come back on and I'm already way behind on work because of my office computer being down. (I hadn't thought of the hotspot yet). I don't want to be gone 3 hours or more, if it's going to come back on soon. I've got a ton of work to do. Then he gets crabby that Friday the weather is supposed to be worse and he doesn't want to drive in it. Well, tough cookies, bub. Work comes first. Then I remembered doing the hotspot, so I was good to go to get back to work. It's exhausting dealing with computer issues.

Besides that, it did not snow and it got to 50 degrees yesterday! The roads couldn't have been any better, LOL. I worked half a day and am done (except for one quick thing I need to log back into work and do by Monday) until Jan 2nd. We went and got our groceries and picked up one of DH's gifts to me he ordered. Last night he also gave me one of his other gifts early, since it's too hard to wrap. I'll post pics of both gifts in the next post.

On tap for this morning  -making more doggie cookies.


  1. I'm glad your computer issues were resolved. Sounds like you will have some time off over Christmas - enjoy!

  2. Computer problems that last that long drive me nuts. I am glad I don
    t have to think about snow and driving.

  3. Ha, so now I know what a hotspot is! When I see "turn hotspot on" I always think "no thanks I don't like the heat"! Enjoy your time off!

    1. I didn't know how much data I would use up with the "hotspot" but didn't take up too much for that couple of hours, so that is good.
