Monday, December 2, 2019

Monday This and That

I'm doing some Cyber Monday (of which nothing I am buying is any cheaper, LOL) shopping on Amazon for a few final Christmas gifts and a few other things we need. I thought I was getting a $5 credit for purchasing and sending a $50 Amazon gift card by text (I sent it to myself, LOL), but have not seen the $5 credit on my account yet. The instructions made it sound like it would be available shortly after the text was sent. I was going to apply it towards my order of all the gifts and stuff. Oh well, if and when it does show up I'll use it at some point. Always ordering something through there, it seems. I also just got a Verizon text that I earned an "Up Reward" so I claimed a $3 Amazon gift code.

One of the things I just ordered is a new usb charger for our iphones/ipads. Seems like either the charger plug in or the cords are always dying. Or we are sitting in the living room for the evening and both want to use the charging cord that is plugged in (we don't have any more plug ins available). One of my usb chargers (I also have one next to my bed and he has one in  his den) just died. I discovered they make "dual" usb chargers plug ins. Nice! Then we can both charge at the same time, while sitting in the living room. Only $9.

I also saved $9 by cancelling Netflix. My gift card balance got used up through today, so I'm glad I remembered to cancel it, or I would have been charged for another month to my debit card on the account. I'm pretty sure DD will get me another gift card for Christmas (or my birthday in January) so I'll start the membership up again when I get another gift card. We've got enough to watch with Amazon Prime and using DD's YouTubeTv for a couple more months.

I talked to my mom just after dinner yesterday. She was down in the dining room, finishing her dinner up, so she said she'd call me when she got back to her apartment and she did remember. She was super chatty. I think we talked for almost a half an hour. She said she had already taken her evening pill, too. I'll wait until closer to lunch to call her today. I prefer to call her later morning. By evening time, after working, making dinner, etc. I'm tired, haha.

If you want to read a "mind trippy" book, read Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. It's jumps right into the suspense and is a good science fiction type read. There is a sequel to it, but I'm going to have quite a bit of a wait to get that one through my library e-books. I'm back to no books to read in my queue....I have a bunch I'm waiting on to read, but since they are new releases/popular it's a long wait.  Time to go back to my previous post(s) asking for book selections and see what I still haven't read yet. I'll probably go back to reading some of the James Patterson Alex Cross books. They weren't too bad, though not my favorite. At least they are something to fill in while I'm waiting on other books.


  1. I have never had a charging cord die, Now, I wonder why. It is great to hear your mother is doing so well. If SB ever tries to say you neglect her, these calls you initiate will refute that. And, the calls to you prove she still remembers a few things. I am glad that machine helps her to remember her pills. Now, I need

    1. we have several charging cords, but only a few of the plug ins. I have one at my computer that just plugs into the usb port. But it seems either the part that plugs into the phone wears out and stops connecting or the part that plugs into an outlet eventually stops. At least they aren't too expensive.

  2. Glad to hear your mom is doing well. Hope your Cyber Monday shopping went well and you have a great rest of the week.

    1. no savings, but at least my stuff got ordered and off my to do list.

  3. Glad your mom is doing better today. She's probably enjoying the company in the dining hall. And thanks for the book recommendation - I'm always adding new books to my list/coffee table!
