Friday, December 27, 2019

Christmas continued

Mom went to bed about 8pm Christmas eve. I'm sure she was tired. The rest of us stayed up and visited. DD and I made it until 10:30pm and I think SIL and DH to about midnight. Christmas morning we got up and I made a breakfast of blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs with diced ham, sausages and orange juice.  I jumped in the shower quick and then got the turkey in the oven around 10:15. Then we opened our stocking stuffers.

The day seemed to go by quick, just visiting. DH and SIL figured out how to use the game camera and set it up outside. We played a little bit of darts up in the bonus room. DD hit the bullseye her first try, LOL.

Dinner was about 3pm and turned out good. The turkey looked perfect golden brown and I didn't forget anything, like I did at Thanksgiving (sweet potatoes). We had given mom several crossword puzzle books, so she worked on one of those and DD and I worked on another book for awhile.

Mom loved my home and how everything was decorated for Christmas. It's definitely a good house for Christmas and Winter, being set in the mountains with trees all around and viewed through all the windows. Not that we hardly have company, but it sure was nice having 2 guest rooms available.

She's still so frustrating with her medications! I had reminded her the night before they came to make sure she brought her pills. DD asked her when she picked her up. So...instead of just putting her pill box in her bag, she puts several days pills in her old little pill box that is just for one time a day. She put her evening pills all in an empty day she wasn't using while here (ie Sunday). And I saw she brought several of the bottles. She told me she took Christmas morning, but that evening I had snuck upstairs and looked (and that's when I discovered she brought that other pill box) and there were still pills in Wednesday. Ugh. But, who knows if maybe she just took them out of her bottles? Yesterday morning, before they left I asked her if she took and she said "yes, I took my before eating breakfast one, but I still need to take my other morning pills" I asked her what happened to deciding to take all those morning pills at the same time, when she got up, and she said "oh, I just decided to wait". So, I'm sure now we'll be back to her forgetting those 2nd round of morning pills.

It really was too quick of a visit. I wish they would have stayed one more day. Basically we got them for about a day and a half is all :(. They got up and left at 8:30 yesterday morning.

Here's a few of my wonderful gifts I received

When you spend time around my mom you can really tell her memory issues, much more than just talking to her on the phone once or twice a day. And I'm sure it's probably worse being somewhere not familar, rather than her own place. When she moved out of her home she wanted to get rid of a lot of things. DD took a lot and I picked out several things, that DD had to store for me until she could bring them over in their truck. Mom seems to have forgotten some of it was her stuff. The table in that picture above with the antique check writer is one of the items from her house. I also got an oak small table that was my grandparents and a tall fake tree/plant, as well as some various dishes.

It was a very nice Christmas in our new home and I'm so glad DD, SIL and my mom were able to come. It's been really good that I've gotten to see them 3 times since Nov 1st. Now it will probably be several months, as we settle in for winter to really put it's hold on our area. Maybe a big snow on Sunday.


  1. Your mom's right. There is something very special about Christmas when you live in the mountains isn't there. It makes everything seem even more magical!

    1. it's too bad we didn't have any snow. There is just a tiny little bit left in spots on the ground.

  2. I'm picturing your surroundings and it sounds like Christmas wonder. I miss my son already after getting hi off this morning, but he seems pretty happy right now with his life, and that is a good thing. I hope your husband enjoys his camera-what a thoughtful gift.

    1. I always dreamed of going and spending one Christmas in a cabin or lodge in the mountains. Now I get to do it every year :). That is so great your son is doing well, that's a very good thing.

  3. I'm sure Christmas at your house was lovely, especially with your mom and daughter home with you. Too bad they had to leave when they did, but, hopefully, they'll have a safe journey back and you'll get to visit with them, again, soon.

    Wishing you and yours a very happy New Year!

    1. it was a lovely, relaxing Christmas. New Years is just around the corner!

  4. I am glad both were able to come to your new home for Christmas. I am quite sure the trip and being away from home caused issues for your mother with her pills. She thinks she can keep things straight, but obviously cannot. Too bad.

    I thought the bear bed and stuff was for your room. ???

    It is good you had a happy Christmas.

    1. I think you are right and being away probably caused the extra bit of confusion for her and her pills. The bear bed is in one of our guest rooms. It's a queen sized bed and we like our king size sleigh bed too much to give it up, haha.
