Friday, September 20, 2019

Working for the weekend

My mom accepted an offer on her place already! A little under what she was asking, but she ended up putting it at $9,000 more than she had told me she listed it for, so she's happy. I'm not sure when yet closing is supposed to be.  The person is using mostly cash and getting a small loan for part of it, so she wasn't sure how long. She thought a couple weeks. I guess it depends on if they are getting a mortgage or some other kind of  loan.

I managed to do $17 in MTurks yesterday. My best day ever. I'm trying some new methods to find hits and I think it helped. I've had $10-14 days once in awhile before, but I know that at least $10 of the money I earned yesterday was a result of the new method. I found something where you "watch" the hits that supposedly were already taken. Sometimes others decide not to do them and they become available again and this "script" will put them in your queue if they get available again and do a sound notification. I'm still figuring it out, but I'd say it was a definite improvement. Of course earning $17 took a little more time than earning $5, but I expected that it will be a little more time involved to earn more. But, I also think this new way reduces the time I spend looking for hits, but quite a bit, too. So far this morning, I'm at $2.30, so we'll see how well I manage to do today.

Oh good grief. Our neighbors just finally, after months, got rid of their son's 2 dogs, and now they just adopted a rescue dog. Back up to 4 dogs. And this dog has never been around other dogs, was  neglected and isn't house broken. Just what they need, LOL. While the Mr. is home quite a bit, the wife is literally gone 12 hours a day/5 days a week.

As all our topsoil is getting placed and spread in the areas to be grass, I sent neighbor an email just letting him know the manure mixed with it is fresh and case doggos get into it.. He said he'd make sure they didn't, mostly not to disturb what's all been raked out. So, what happened? his dogs running through it. They have a huge fenced in area they can run around in. Or if you want to take them out for a bit, only take one or two out at a time.......and take them over to the other side of your property.......where there is 22 acres of nothing to disturb! People! Last night and this morning I took our dogs out to the vacant acreage on the other side of us to do their business. It's not that hard.

DH is super happy with how the topsoil mixture is turning out and the screener is doing great and taking out all the rocks. Picture of future back yard grassy area

I'm going to go buy grass seed at Home Depot tomorrow morning. Woodworker guy has this beautiful dark green grass and said he used the "Contractors Blend" from Home Depot. We're barely making the weather/season cut off to get grass planted, I think. But it's going to look so nice when it gets in.

Outside smells a bit like a dairy farm, LOL.


  1. I am so happy for your mom. Hope the sale goes through smoothly and she moves to her new place before the cold weather sets in.

    1. I'm happy for her too. Where she lives is pretty mild temps for the most part. Winter is rain, haha. A couple weeks of cold weather.

  2. Did you find that e-book helpful for M-Turks helpful or is this info I could find online? With Winter coming up, I'll have far more time for doing HITS and would love to increase my earnings.

    That is great news about your mom's house. I think this move will be a good thing for her.

    I hope that new dog doesn't become a barker. I can't imagine having 4 dogs at once. Closest we came was 3 and that was only for a couple of years.

    Your house/yard is really looking nice! I enjoy seeing the pictures of the transformation. How steep is it to the waters edge? Such a pretty view.

    1. I found it more explanatory than what I found online, for "finding" and "catching" hits. Though I didn't end up using the same script he uses (I couldn't get it to work) I am using a similar one and now figuring it out. Today was almost $30! I sure hope the new dog isn't another nuisance/barker. I can't believe they got another one, after finally being glad to send their sons dogs back. Thanks on the yard :) It's super steep down to the river (hard to tell in pics) Like 100 ft and very steep slope.

  3. So glad to hear that your mom has accepted an offer on her place. Hope the sale goes through smoothly. One of my neighbors, in the next block, remodeled their house and converted the garage into an additional dwelling unit (that is allowed under our zoning laws, because of the housing shortage) and it went on the market, this week. You wouldn't believe the asking price!

    I hope the neighbor's dogs don't become a big nuisance! The soon-to-be lawn area looks great! Your house is situated in a really nice area! Lovely view!

    1. I'm hoping for a smooth sale/closing for her. I love our view/area we live. It's so peaceful.
