Sunday, September 22, 2019


Day 2 of my new and improved method(s) for working on MTurks was even better than day 1. I made $ one day! That's about what I usually average in a week (if I really work hard at it). So, needless to say I'm thrilled to about quadrupling what I'm making per day. I'd say the $2.99 I spent on the little ebook was worth it and paid for itself quickly. While I didn't use the specific script the author recommended (I couldn't get it to work for me), I used a similar one and that made all the difference in the world for finding hits. I just do surveys and haven't tried batchwork (still). I also tend to avoid surveys that require a lot of writing. It reminds me of taking tests in school, LOL. My brain freezes and I don't know what to write. Weekends are very slow to earn. I only did .50 yesterday, but didn't have much time to be on my computer. This morning, I quickly managed to earn $5.30 without much time involved at all.

While yesterday was a pretty crappy day, stuff got accomplished. DH was a total ass all day. We went to Home Depot to get the grass seed that his friend used on his lawn. I had looked online the day before to make sure they had it in stock, before driving all the way into the city. I did not look up anything at all about what the seed mixture ratios of different seeds were. Didn't even occur to me. DH was convinced I did and told him. Finally I got online with Home Depot on my phone and showed him there isn't even anything on here that says what the ratio is, so how in the world would I have been able to tell you?

I have no idea why, but we ended up not even getting the seed at Home Depot. I think DH was just overwhelmed with decisions. Is it too late to plant now, what kind to plant. If we do part sod (which was the plan) and seed the rest, will the lawn areas look different colors...blah blah blah. He doesn't want it to look different but can't afford to sod it all.

On our way home we stopped at our neighboring towns little farm and feed supply store. The owner lady was so nice and helpful and knowledgeable! She explained that most all seed blends (for our area anyway) have Kentucky Blue Grass seed, ryegrass and fescue. The last 2 (or maybe it was just the fescue, help protect the Kentucky blue grass seed while it's growing. She said eventually, as the lawn matures, the Kentucky blue grass takes over the lawn. Apparently sod uses mainly KB grass. Basically what we learned was even if we did part seed and part sod, it will eventually all be KB grass. She also told us it was ok to plant still, but if it gets frosty before it sprouts, to lay hay over it. We already had gotten 4 bales of hay brought over for this purpose. I loved the little feed store. For a very small town, the store sure kept busy.

So, we bought two 25 pound bags from her. She even had a spreader to loan out, if we needed. DH has a couple of different spreaders, but decided to borrow woodworker friends neat spreader. It's like a big bag you the strap over your neck and walk around and spit it out. DH was able to seed what he wanted very fast, like less than an hour. Now he has to keep it damp. Today is supposed to be in the 70's and then the next 3 days in the mid 60's so we are hoping all will be good.

This morning he decided he's just going to seed it all! We will get another bag from her tomorrow (about $100 for the 25 pounds) and do the rest. That will save a ton over paying for sod. It will be a pain, keeping the dogs off it all before it comes in, but we can do it. Now we will just have to pray we got it down before it gets too cold. But, apparently even if it doesn't and goes dormant and gets covered in snow, she said it will all just come up next spring.

Woodworker guy got our 2 closet barn doors done. I love them! and it's so nice to finally not have to see that open closet from just about everywhere on the main floor (due to our open floor plan). He really made them look like old barn wood. He and DH had fun distressing the wood, I guess, haha.

We do have a problem with the clock there. DH had thought the door would be out just far enough to not hit the clock, if we opened it, but it does. We are trying to decide what to do there. I don't really have anywhere else to put the clock and I love the clock.

The bear guest bedroom is coming along and looks so much better with a closest door on now. I still need to get a duvet cover. I did finally find one online, in the color I want, that is big enough to fit this oversized queen comforter. I just haven't wanted to spend the money yet. I think I probably will now that I've earned some extra on MTurks. The room is almost "done". I would like some art for the walls, or at least one of the walls, and need some nightstands. They will have to be very narrow and small as there isn't much room between the bed and walls.

And dh has apologized a couple of times about being such a huge ass to me yesterday.

This morning I vacuumed and cleaned bathrooms, while DH is outside spreading the rest of the seed and watering (he will have to do lots of watering!). I think I might run into town for a few things from the grocery store. DH is wanting some baked potatoes. I might bake a cake, too.


  1. You can forgive an awful lot when someone apologizes can't you! Say no more!

  2. I think your grass seed will be fine. I put some down a couple years ago late summer. It didn’t germinate til the following spring, and wow did it grow that spring with all the rain. We get quite a bit colder here than your area.

    1. I'll bet it will too. DH had just wanted to get done by now, so we wouldn't have to deal with all the dang mud until it snows...and then again when it melts next spring.

  3. I really like your barn closet doors. Hope you can find another spot for your clock. I hope the grass seeds will germinate well, before it snows. Sounds like the lady at the feedstore was very helpful. :)

  4. Would you be willing to share what script you are using for M-Turks? I can see that I need to up my game! Lol

    Your doors look fantastic! You could always put the clock in the spare bedroom. I think it would look good almost anywhere.
