Friday, September 6, 2019

Let's do Friday

For our DD's/SIL wedding gift we decided to have woodworker guy make them something one of a kind. He's almost done with it. A hope chest. We gave him a picture of the mountain view, where they got married, and he did his wood burning magic and put the mountain scene on the top of the chest. Yesterday we went over and looked at it and gave him the seal of approval to finish varnishing it and putting it together. I think they will like it. I'll take a picture of it, once we get it from him. Probably next week, sometime.

DH has been pretty crabby lately. Too much labor type work of late. Wears out his muscles, but he's stubborn and won't rest, so then he feels worse. I'm just getting tired of the snippyness and constant complaining. When we were driving over to woodworker guys place Wednesday afternoon he said he realizes he's doing it and that he really has nothing to complain about.......but of course a few hours later he's right back at it. We were going to stream a race to our tv. I had paid for a month service for it and one was on that night. The start time is kind of "off". They actually start the streaming before the posted start time, and you can watch the practice laps. So, I had checked but it hadn't started yet and figured it would be at least a half hour (based on all the other times we've watched) and was checking it from my phone, so I didn't have to go through the whole Firestick menu to check and find out it's not on yet, and then through the whole menu to put it back on what we were watching while waiting. I was going to check my phone every 10-15 minutes. Well, I had just checked on my phone and it still hadn't started. DH says "put it on the's started" I said "oh I just checked on my phone, it's not started yet". He snaps "twitter on my phone says it started". Ok then.......I got it all loaded and signed into the service to watch. Of course it hadn't started yet. I just let it sit there on their "the program will start soon" page, while I read my book. Half hour later it finally started. I didn't bother taking the time to change it back to what we were watching. Just let him sit there for the 30 minute wait. Served him right, haha.

The guy showed up yesterday with his little backhoe and got DH's ditches dug. His woodworker pal also showed up to help, which was very nice of him. But, he's just like DH....DH helped him with his firewood the other day, so of course, then he felt like he owed back to DH to help him. It will never end now, LOL.

The weather today has dropped 25 degrees from yesterday. Quite the change. And a little rain with it.

I think DH is planning to take the drive today to where that hard drive repair guy lives.....should be interesting. If he won't answer his door or provide a resolution, then DH said he plans to go to the county sheriff's office there and file a report of stolen property. He might be able to kill 2 birds while down there (it's like almost 2 hours from us) as our friend who just brought a piece of property, with a fixer upper house, is there working on his place. He's just outside of this town where DH would be going, so DH might as well go see his new place and visit with him, too, since he'd be all the way down there already.

Having 3 days off this week, sure made for a quick work week. It's Friday already. :)


  1. The hope chests sounds wonderful! What a lovely gift for them! Looking forward to seeing photos of it, when it is done.

  2. The hope chest will be a well loved gift.
