Monday, September 2, 2019

Still enjoying the long weekend

It's been a fairly relaxing weekend. DH has just been using his ipad mini and his phone for internet (which he does half the time anyway). I had told him we could go pick up a new desktop tower (he doesn't need a monitor or the rest of the stuff). I said to me I basically think of computers kind of like cell phones. They last 4-5 years (at least our computer do) and so cost about $80 a year to have one. Peanuts, really. Cheaper than a cell phone! He got crabby with me, so I just said "well, when you are ready for a new computer, just let me know".

Our neighbors 2 "guest" dogs are going home today, finally, after about 6 months. Well, until probably next year, when their son has a new reason he needs to dump the dogs on them again, LOL. Neighbor said yesterday he was glad to finally be done having 2 extra dogs.

I feel that my step brother issue is fairly resolved. I never initially replied back to his snippy email, acting like I needed to take a month off and take care of my mom and like I wasn't doing anything for her. Then he must have gotten the message that yes, I am, because now all his emails have been nice and helpful. He explained why he changed everything (they (he and her BF) were worried she had exposed herself to scammers). That's all I asked when I first emailed him! I just said "I was wondering what brought about the need for all her passwords to be changed? did she mess something up?". I didn't say "why did you change everything?" Instead of just telling me why, he got all snippy with me.

After he spent part of Friday with her, I think he realized that for the most part, she is doing ok and she was fine on Friday. Her normal self. She just had a bad episode because it all got confusing and too much to deal with in one day.

After his nice email, I then explained all what I have done to help her, try to protect her from scams, and monitor it. I explained I have ALL her life info written down, so I would have it to take care of everything if she has an emergency and can't do it. I explained I had done some "behind the scenes" fixes, for the most part, fixed her AOL email so she wasn't flooded with spam in her inbox (though of course a few slip by, can't help it all), how I block numbers from calling her land line. I also said I had put Team Viewer on her computer, so that I can help her remotely and had used it once or twice with her and it worked well. I thanked him for all he is doing to help her and let's keep each other in the loop. My PS was if she ever mentions she wants a smartphone, talk her out of it! LOL.

He replied back last night with another nice email. Saying, oops,  he thought the Team Viewer was suspicious so he had removed it from her computer. Now that he knows what it is for, he will put it back on. And he thought it sounded like a great tool he could also use to help his mom and her computer issues. Then he said "oh, and I went with your mom and we bought her a smart phone...JUST KIDDING!"

So, I think we are on the same page now. I also think with her moving to the assisted living place things will get easier for her and we won't be needing to deal with this current stuff we have going on quite as much. At least, I'm hoping not. I guess depends on how bad her memory gets. She still thinks she's doing fine with her memory. Quite honestly, it doesn't seem like she even realizes she's been told she has short term memory loss. I told's like Dory on Finding Nemo!

I finally had a good week doing M-Turks last week. Made over $30. Had one pretty easy hit that paid $7. That's a rare one for me. Most are .50 to a $1.00 hits.

So the guy and his sons that built our house are pretty religious. The grandpa (builders dad) has a church where they live. One of the builders sons has apparently decided to leave the construction line of work, to be a preacher (he's like 22 years old). Awhile back builder had mentioned this son was going to give his first ever sermon. I remember thinking, oh that would probably be neat to hear. This son is so sweet and gentle.

Last night, DH found the sermon online, somehow. Oh my! I finally told him to turn it off. It was completely yelling and anger type of sermon. Not my cup of tea, LOL. I would want to leave a church service feeling uplifted, inspired and spiritual. Not like I just literally got screamed at for an hour. Maybe that's why I don't go to church.


  1. A yelling preacher would put me off too. I don't go to church either though. To be honest in England it was more like the Mr. Bean sketch where instead of the sermon all you can register is "drone, drone, drone" like where Mr. Bean has a helluva time staying awake (it's a very funny sketch if you google "Mr. Bean goes to church"). Glad things seem to have been sorted with your step-brother too.

    1. I googled that. So funny! His comedy reminds me of Tim Conway in Carol Burnett show

  2. I am so glad your step-brother seems to have realized that you are on top of things with your mother. He obviously jumped to some wrong conclusions, at first!

    1. I'm very glad, too. I have a feeling my mom's short term memory probably didn't help the situation. He probably asked her questions about what I know/am doing and she was probably vague because she doesn't remember what I have told her I am doing with her computer, emails, etc.
