Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Taking a trip

I've decided to go spend a few days helping my mom. It's hard to know exactly when to go over there (and be the most help) as the timeline seems to change as to exactly what is going on. I'm also trying to dodge the snow they are already predicting, but I think it will be fine on the mountain passes. The forecast seems to be changing to rain.

Yesterday she was to close on next Monday, which isn't much time at all to get rid of stuff, get packed what she is taking and get moved. When I talked to her today, I guess yesterday the buyer wanted to know of she would hold a note on the amount she needs to finance (the rest is cash and I don't know how much the couple wanted her to finance). So, of course my mom said no. She isn't interested in holding a note, not to mention one for 15 years. Like she said, she probably won't even be alive 15 years! So, I'm guessing she won't be closing on Monday, unless the buyer already had a second financing option in place. I'm not quite understanding the accepting of the offer, if the buyer didn't have their funds in place, or approved for a loan for the part they need to borrow, which I think is about $45,000. If the couple needs a mortgage type loan well there's no way it can close in probably less than 30 days. They are putting down $90k, so maybe they wouldn't need an appraisal and inspection.

She can move anytime. It's not like she has to sell her place/close in order to get moved. And if by chance this sale falls through, then it will sell shortly, again, I'm sure. Plus, she's already given away her sofa yesterday, LOL.

DD was going to go to her house Saturday morning and help her for awhile and also pick up the things she and I are taking (she can store my stuff in her house/garage). We can tell she's getting overwhelmed with it all because the past few days she has repeatedly asked DD if/when she is coming. One time she'll remember DD is coming, but not what time, the next time she doesn't remember if DD is coming or now.

My original plan was to drive over to Mom's this Thursday morning, getting there mid day-ish. See DD when she comes down on Saturday morning(though she is busy with other plans Sat afternoon/eve). But when DD found out I would come over, she decided to take Friday off work, so she could be at my mom's, too, on Friday and spend time with me more. She and her DH were going to spend the weekend down there (at his parents) anyway. But, in order for them not to have to drive 2 cars down (she Friday morning and her DH Friday afternoon, when he gets off work) she asked if I could just come to their house on Thursday afternoon and spend  the night there and then we can drive down to my mom's Friday morning. That works for me and gives me some more time to spend with her, too. I'd like to be able to head home Sunday, but we'll see. I might stay until Monday.

And with 2 of us helping with whatever needs doing, we can get a lot done. I should be able to fit in  my car the things I am taking. If there's something I can't fit DD can hold it for me (she'll have their truck)

My mom was recommended a moving company by the place she is moving to. They will also do all her packing if she wants, so she is going to do that. That is a great plan and will help out a lot. I figured DD and I would mostly be packing Fri and Sat. But, since we really won't need to be doing that now, we can work on other stuff. Like maybe taking things to goodwill she doesn't want to move.
Depending on when she actually closes, I'm going to see what calls I can make for her to stop her services. At a minimum make a list out for her who to call with ph#'s and her acct #'s. I'm wondering if I can make the calls (even from home) but most likely she will have to do it (or I could just say I'm her, haha).

I asked her what she is required to have set up at her new place - like does she need to transfer her Comcast for tv/internet there or how does it work. She wasn't sure, so that is something we can find out while I'm there and figure out all what she needs to set up. I did get the name of the retirement place she is moving to and looked them up online. VERY fancy nice place! She will love it. Plus she already knows her BF and a lot of the other people that live there, from visiting him all the time. She said the ladies she knows there are so excited she's moving in. The place even has a hairdresser "shop". A dining room and a "pub" for snack and drinks. She will still have her own car and a parking space in a carport. All the shops and stores are close by and she's already fairly familiar with the area. I also looked to see what hotels are nearby, so when I visit I'll have to stay somewhere. There's a Best Western and a Days Inn quite close by. Staying at DD's 2 hours away, in awful traffic isn't something I'd prefer to do.

Wish me luck ~


  1. Have a safe drive; hope everything goes well and you are able to accomplish all what you need to do to get your mother moved to her new place.

  2. That is a very good idea. I am sure she will love to have both you and your DD around with such a task. Once she is settled in her new nice and safer place, you will feel better about that too. Have a safe trip and good luck!

  3. This is awesome! I think you should make all the calls pretending to be her - much easier that way, or just have her say I would like to authorize my DD to be on my account or whatnot while you're there :)!

  4. I'm sure having your help will come as a relief to your mother. Glad you were able to coordinate it with your daughter. Will you be bringing the wedding gift?
