Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mother Nature intervenes

Oh good grief. Now there's a big snow storm weather advisory for this weekend and Monday for 2-4 Feet of snow in the mountain pass (one of the 3) I have to go over to travel to see mom. That's right when I'd be trying to get back home in my car. Not good. I'm checking into flights, but they are super expensive on such short notice. $600-700. And if I stayed on through Monday I'd have to rent a car, because while DD could pick me up Thurs night or Friday morning at the airport, she couldn't return me Monday (since she has to work) so then I'd have to rent a car for the whole time. UGH!!!!!!!!!!! This is such a bummer all around. Now, the snow is predicted even where we are (2700 ft altitude) Fri, Sat, Sun. I had already planned to go into the city after work today and get stocked up on groceries, since I wasn't going to be home for my normal trip this weekend and I wouldn't have time to do it next week once I get home. But, with the snow predicted, we're still just going to go in and pick up the groceries at Walmart tonight anyway.

It sounds like her sale is still going to close Monday and the buyers have found financing. Well, sorta - apparently they expect to have financing in 30-60 days and want her to accept that and still go through with sale and a promissory note for the balance in 30-60 days. I'm not so sure about that....but my step brother and lawyer step sis in law are managing that aspect for her. I trust them to figure it out and advise her. I'm just trying to kind of stay out of that aspect of it, so she doesn't have yet another person giving her advice and confusing her more. Either way, it sounds like she is just planning to have the movers pack and move her Monday. She doesn't have a ton of stuff to take. Two recliners, a very small dining table, a twin bed, dresser, desk and tv. The rest is her personal belongings, clothes, bedding, bath stuff, etc.  My son is picking up her dining table and king sized bed today. He's already picked up the sofa.

DD will be there Saturday morning for a few hours to take the items we had already made a list to take (even before she decided to move, she had wanted us to make a  list of the things we both wanted). Then DD has all day Sunday she can spend with her to help with whatever is needed. Since she doesn't have to pack anything up herself I doubt there is a bunch DD will  need to do. I told her maybe help her figure out what she isn't needing to take, box it up for her and DD can drop off at Goodwill for her.

I'm just going to try and get over there as soon as the weather/pass clears up enough (hopefully mid/later next week) and that there are a few days where they aren't predicting anymore snow. Hopefully, still some good days still left this early in Fall. Or, if it's not looking good then I'll fly over, but reserve enough in advance where it's only costing the normal $350-ish, instead of $600. There was only one available for $600, the others were $700. Just to fly 450 miles (it's an hour and 20 min flight).

I feel terrible, but mom doesn't want me to spend that kind of money either just to come for 3-4 days. She also keeps saying, while of course she would love to see me, since she doesn't have to do the packing or moving herself, there isn't really a lot I can do to help, other than take the things I'm going to take off her hands....and DD is going to do that and put them in her house/garage until I can get them or they can bring over to me. I feel better knowing that DD has Sat and Sun to help her with anything she might need. She still sounds like she's happy she's made the decision to move. I told her I looked at the place online and that it sure looked like a wonderful place.

A small online order I did with Target just arrived. I forgot I had ordered a bag of Dove Chocolates. Good timing. I need some stress chocolate to eat!


  1. Bummer. Well, some things are just not meant to be. I am sure your DD will help her with all that she needs done. Since she does not need to move a lot, she will be fine. Chocolate sounds great!

    1. I know, I'm so disappointed and then of course it's all stressing me out.

  2. I don't like/trust the note holding business. But, if they are watching over your mom hopefully all will go well. I'm sure your daughter will be a big help. Maybe you can help her get settled in her new home!

    1. I don't even like the 30-60 day deal. My attorney relative is telling the realtor she wants to see their credit report before they agree to it. Yes, I can maybe then help her with the things the will probably come up as she's getting settled/adjusted to the new place. Might be a better plan. She's got her help now and I can pick up helping a bit when the move is over.

  3. Sorry to hear about the predicted snow storm! Hopefully, the sale of the house will go well and you can go, afterwards, to help your mother settle into her new place.

    1. thank you. I'm bummed but not much I can do. If it were an emergency I'd bite the bullet and spend the money to fly, if I had to, but DD can fill in for me for 2 of the days.

  4. Ugh. Way too early for that amount of snow! Don't blame you for changing your plans. I wouldn't risk it either. Sounds like things are going smoothly and it is good your daughter is close by to help out.

  5. Yikes, I couldn't even begin to imagine that amount of snow that early. I don't mind the snow - but NOW???? Good luck!

    1. it will be up in the pass, but still wayyy early. It needs to be fall, first, LOL. The leaves have barely begun to change color here.
