Monday, September 23, 2019

An I can't think of a title post

DH and the topsoil screening/spreading crew continue to work today. They should be done with almost all of it. At least it will all be spread out. We ended up with quite a bit more than they thought. DH is just going to have the screen it and then haul it over to woodworker friends 20 acres. They will see if they can sell it and split the income (not much, haha), since he'll store the big pile at his place, rather than it being left on our landscaped 2 acre lot.

The plan right now is to just seed it all, rather than do part of it sod. Will save a bundle. The sprinkler system/sod guy wouldn't be able to do it for a few weeks anyway. If it's just not coming in, in the areas we wanted sod, then we will consider sodding it. But, of course, the feed store is out of the seed. We took their last 2 bags. I called this morning and she said they can get more in this week, just not sure which day this week, so she will call me when she finds out. He had enough out of the 2 bags we got to spread it over the sod areas and didn't do the very front (that was going to be seed) because that is the area they are still working on today. That area would be ok, if the seeds don't sprout before it gets too cold. It would then for sure come up in spring, when the snow melts.

The younger couple, that built a house same time we did, down on the last lot in our little 7 lot subdivision are getting ready to build a garage/shop. DH went down there yesterday to ask if they had any need of topsoil, before we haul the excess away. Apparently not, LOL. She said the excavating guy asked them what they planned to do for landscaping. She said "well, nothing against Lot 2 (our neighbors with the dogs)...their front yard is beautiful, but I DON'T want that! She doesn't want anything they have to take care of or even mow. I'm kind of wondering why a person would buy property in a subdivision then, if they don't want landscaping. Why not just buy acreage that isn't in a nice neighborhood of nice homes and nice landscaping. I would think most people who want to live in a subdivision would want it to look nice and finished. Oh well, LOL.

I had a good Sunday for MTurks, which was a surprise, considering it was weekend, when not much seems available to work on. I earned over $13. I'm about half way into today and have earned about $12. Still better than I was doing before.

I'm still waiting for my refund on the prorated months of construction insurance. It was canceled a month ago now. I emailed my agent this morning asking for an update. I would think 4 weeks is enough time for the insurance company to get a refund processed. I'm expecting like $1300 and will need that money towards our topsoil screening bill.

Well, it sounds like my mom's house sale is closing next Monday. Yikes. I'm assuming the people are paying cash, but I'm surprised my mom and/or her agent didn't at least ask for a little bit more time than that. She needs to get rid of the things she's not taking and pack what she is taking. I called her this morning and she said my son was there taking the sofa (and probably other stuff) and also my step brother was there. I told her to call me back when she's not so busy. I know DD is planning to go there Saturday morning and pick up some side tables and some knick knack type stuff. I'm going to see if my mom wants me to come over at the end of the week. I have to work on Wednesday for payroll, but I could go over there Thursday morning. Knowing her she'll just say "oh, I've got it all taken care of". DD talked to her yesterday and she said she is hiring a moving company to move her stuff to her new apartment, so that is good. I was going to suggest that to her. She's not taking a lot. Just a twin bed, 2 recliners, her small dining table and some boxes of her other personal things she will need.


  1. Sounds like your mom has it all under control, with the move! That is a very quick sale, though, isn't it?

    1. Very quick. I asked her yesterday why she didn't give herself more time to get moved, but she said "oh, I'm ok with it".

  2. I am happy for your mom. Things seem to be happening to her liking and she certainly is in control of the whole thing.

    1. I think she's doing ok with it all...but each time I talk to her I can tell she's starting to get more and more frazzled/forgetful as to what's going on/what she needs to do.

  3. Great news for your mom! My grandmother is moving too. This weekend. She will be 1/2 mile from her daughter. She lives in an independent living facility. She hired mover. My sister and I are coming up Sunday to hang pictures and curtains. It will be good for them to be closer and I won't feel as bad, 4 hours away in another state. Just in time for winter!
