Monday, September 9, 2019

Starting the week

The Staples triple charge of my purchase resolved itself. The manager said they were having a nationwide software issue with their credit card machines and it should clear off my account in a day or two. I looked this morning and now only one charge is there.

It sounds like the guy (he was our mason) DH was supposed to go Elk watching/hunting with tomorrow has put a hold on the day. Apparently it's been too warm out and the elk are not bugling yet.. I figured he probably would when it came down to it. They made the "date" a couple of months ago. I was wondering at the time how they could plan a specific date that far in advance, LOL. Hopefully, they will get to go later this week or soon.

I'm off to a great start, for the week, with M-Turks this morning. $11.60 so far with about 40 min of work or so. I was able to do $2.75 over the weekend, which is hard to do. There is never much available on weekends. I'm hoping this is a good week!

A new keyboard and mouse came with DH's computer, but the one's he already has are fine. But, my keyboard is old and a bunch of the keys are worn. Then I remembered I have another brand new keyboard in a box. I don't know why I haven't used it, considering the condition of mine. I got it years ago. I think it was a rebate freebie or something. So, I decided to use that one and just save the one that came with DH's new computer. Much nicer, and when I do have to look at my keys, I can actually read them now, LOL. I wish I had a "quiet" keyboard. Maybe one of these days I'll splurge and get one. The space bar in this one is noisier than the rest of the keys.

I see a Facebook friend tagged her daughter in a company hiring in their area.....nothing at all related to her degree (culinary 4 year degree) that she got 2-3 years ago (and has been working in the field). College is just way too expensive in this day and age to not use your degree! I know another, of my kids age, who spent big bucks for a private university degree, with lots of student debt, and now is in a job/career where she doesn't even need a 4 year degree and completely unrelated to what she got her degree in.

My DD recently was checking into doing her masters degree with on online university. She was all gung-ho to get going on this and then found out her company won't pay for it until she's been there 3 years (I think it was 3 years, I can't remember now). She hasn't quite been there a year, so she's going to have to wait a bit. She thinks it would take her 2 years to do the master's program in her field.

DH got his drone video taken and made the little video that was asked as a favor of him. Didn't really take him too much time. Thankfully, I found that Windows Movie Maker program he had on his old computer online to purchase. He had me watch it and it was good, as usual. This is the first one he's done for someone else and of course he doesn't like doing that. He says "it's not very professional".. I said they aren't paying for professional! (they aren't paying anything, LOL).

He just put up the tracking hardware for the 2 barn doors that will be put on closets. He was having trouble reading the directions and figuring it out at first, but once he did, it was pretty easy to install. Now he has to get the doors built and stained. At least he has something to keep busy watching/listening too all week. Once a year is "drag week" - a week long drag race in the US where the participants travel to a different track each day and race. It's all broadcast on YouTube and they do a good job of presenting it. And even better, he has a computer to watch it on! LOL I told him he should be able to watch it on our tv, too, if he wants. Firestick has a YouTube app again, now.

I don't know what to plan for dinner tonight.....nothing sounds good.


  1. My sister is a graduate of Philosophy. Not a great degree. However, she got lucky when she tagged along some friends who were going to the largest Turkish Bank's Banking School Exam. After a written exam, and two oral exams (one in English, the other in Turkish), she got accepted. It was a one year program and when she graduated, her job was ready. Now, she is a branch manager and has 8 years to go before retirement. Initially, I was very worried about her but, she did just fine. Hopefully those young people find their paths soon and have nice careers.

    1. Sounds like your sister did well! I guess I just don't understand spending private university money on a history degree, LOL. If you want a degree in that fine, but if you can't pay for it and need loans, for a degree like that, at least go to a public college (and even then it's expensive!)

  2. Sounds like your week is off to a good start. I'm glad the Staples charge resolved itself and you found you already had a new keyboard you could use. Hope the rest of the week goes well for you.
