Sunday, September 15, 2019

Just the usual weekend

Yesterday was a typical Saturday. I drove into the city to pick up my Walmart grocery order (though that is every other week, I shop). I'm still loving this service. One time they also gave a free donut, for National Donut Day. Yesterday they gave a little vinyl "football" bag, in honor of football season. Inside were some trial sized samples. I'll enjoy the little bag of coffee to try out and I ate the tiny Oreos covered in chocolate, LOL. When I shop online, every single time, even though I don't always get the same things - my total comes to right around $200. I don't think that is too bad for 2 weeks, for 2 people and I get some of the dog treats there and usually one or two "misc" items. Like this time DH needed a new "shower mirror", so I added that to the cart for $12. He was also out of the blue shop towels he likes. I get the bag of dog food monthly from and that is about $36/mo for their food. A bag lasts about exactly a month, so it works out good to just be on "auto ship" with them.

I follow a dog boarding/rescue place on Facebook for several years. One time someone asked her what they feed their dogs. Well, they feed their own dogs a raw food diet, but for purchased food she recommended a brand that had 4 stars on DogFoodAdvisor and was a good price, too. So, that is what I have been feeding them for quite a few years now. It just has to be bought at a feed store or ordered online. Can't get it at regular stores.

First I stopped at Lowe's. When we were in there last week, I said to DH "do you think there will come a time we come into the city and don't need to stop at Lowes?" Apparently not. DH ran out of the big 55 gallon garbage can liners, so I needed to pick up a new box of those. I also stopped at our bank and got some cash out to have on hand. If we ever need to get cash at an ATM in our town, then we have to pay the fee, because it's not our banks ATM and I hate doing that. Such a waste of money.

I left my house at 8:10am and was back home 2 hours later. Pretty quick trip. Well, I was wrong, my first stop was Starbucks! I had earned a $5 giftcard from my Verizon rewards. When I was adding it to my Starbucks account/card, I realized I had another $5 giftcard on there, that I hadn't merged. Between those 2 $5 and the $3 I had left on my card, I was due for a white chocolate mocha!

DH did some more rearranging in the shop. We have two trailers. One is a car trailer and the other is a little dump trailer. The car trailer has been sitting outside with a bunch of leftover construction stuff (that of course he might use some day) cover with a tarp. The dump trailer he had parked in the shop. Well he decided with rainier weather, then snow, he'd swap them. The dump trailer has nothing in it and can sit outside (until he finally decides to sell it). I helped him "spotting" to make sure he didn't hit anything inside the shop while backing it in. The plan is to park his pickup in the house garage, but he currently has the big wood bench with his saw taking up one bay, as well as leftover lumber, so the pickup is still in the shop.

Our woodworker friend is working on my 2 closet barn doors. Yay! I think he's got all the boards cut and planed. DH went over to his place for a couple hours yesterday afternoon, so I took a nap.

I finished a book I was reading and started a new one. So many to choose from, as a bunch had released from being on hold - and I haven't even started on all the great suggestions! Last night I started the second book in the All Soul's Trilogy/A Discovery of Witches. I had to wait so long for this 2nd book to be available I almost forgot what the first was about.

Last night DH watched some racing on tv. I read awhile and also watched some various YouTube clips (with my headphones in) of The Ellen show and a funny one with Jimmy Kimmel and Steve Irwin's son and some animals he brought. Boy, is he the spitting image and personality of his dad.  We had some ice cream for dessert.

Friday afternoon my company emailed about a new marketing job position with our company, in case we know of anyone. I have a friend who is a marketing manager (where I used to live) and from a few comments she's made over the past few years I don't think she really likes working where she works. So, I sent her a facebook message, with the job description, in case she's interested.


  1. Sounds like a busy weekend, with all the shopping and everything else. Hope you are having a restful Sunday. :)

    1. it was pretty restful, other than a stomach ache all afternoon/eve :(
