Friday, September 6, 2019

Long drive for the Hard drive news

DH just called me after his visit to the hard drive repair guy. Apparently he doesn't even do the repairs!! He sends it down to CA somewhere, he pays them and then gets it back and charges his customers............only he's broke, has no money and it's still in California.  Unbelievable.

So, I had his address from where he had me mail the hard drive to. It's his home (nice home, too). His wife answered the door so DH explained why he was there. She said he just left a few minutes ago. DH told her who he was and what he was there, to pick up our hard drive. She invited him in while she was going to go into his office to see what she could figure out and DH declined to go inside (smart) and said he would just wait outside. She came back and said she couldn't figure anything out in his office so she called her hubby from her phone, so I guess she was standing there while DH talked to him. Told him he wants it back, whether it's fixed or not. It's been 3 months, we were told 2-3 weeks. Something about he will try to get tracking on it today. DH told him there's still 6 hours left in the business day, so plenty of time to get it figured out. Then told him at this point, if he doesn't get back to DH by monday and it's not returned he is getting reported to the sheriff's office as stolen property. Guy said "I wish you wouldn't do that". DH said I wish you could have communicated even one time with all our phone calls, emails and texts (that we know he read,  had read receipt). DH said his wife seemed pretty upset, like she had no idea he had done this. All's he would have had to do was communicate what was going on. Said he's broke and probably losing his business. Well, no kidding, if that's how you treat your customers.

It sure figures that I end up picking the bad apple. Typical. So, I'm sure either we'll be told they couldn't retrieve any of the data or they did and it's going to be like $1000 to get it back or something ridiculous. Either way, I'm sure we're the ones who get screwed in the end.


  1. I'm so sorry, but, at least, your DH was able to a hold of the guy. Hopefully, you'll get everything back, without any problem. If not, do follow up with the sheriff!

    1. DH gave him until end of day Monday to resolve this. He lives in a pretty small town, too. Just like here, everyone knows everything, so I'm doubting he or his wife want the sheriff involved

  2. Did your hubs get the info on where the guy sent the hard drive? It has probably been repaired and is sitting on a shelf waiting on him to pay. What a way to treat customers, all he had to do was tell you upfront what was going on. He was probably hoping you would give up. I would like to have seen his face when he found out your hubby was at his house!

    1. No, I think he just told him it was in Southern CA. And that's exactly what DH is thinking - it's sitting down there waiting for him to pay for it! I just totally do not get the blatant ignoring of all our emails, calls and texts. DH said his wife's eyes got big a few times listening to DH talk to him on her phone.

  3. Well, hopefully he is just incompetent and not dishonest, so that you will get it back. But it is no fun to have to deal with this type of situation. Good luck.

  4. It has been three years since I have seen my computer a guy took for a repair.

    1. that's terrible. People just do not have any sense of responsibility anymore :(

  5. Unbelievable! It will be interesting if, come Monday, this guy comes up with a good answer. Did he give you an initial price for the repair? No wonder he is going out of business with treating customers the way he has. Ugh!

    1. No price given, he said once he got in the "clean room" to see how extensive repair would be, then I'd get the quote, 2-3 weeks. Then never heard from him again
